With all the time we spend on golf courses, we have neglected lessons and coaching for AA over the past year.
It will soon be one year ago when her beloved Coach Doug passed. We still think of Coach Doug e-v-e-r-y-d-a-y!
We have settled into a great group out of Orlando, but the long drive and setting up a regular schedule hadn't happened in 2014. So after the recent Jekyll Island tournament, we discussed the options available to AA and what would be best during this spring/summer leading up to the U.S. Kids Worlds. AA came up with her goal, "to shoot in the 30's". So there you have it! (she used to back as a 7 year old; but hasn't since moving to the 8 year old distances).
A draft schedule was given to Coach Jason (lesson on March 26th) and we will be discussing all options with him soon. We have a plan; we feel so much better - to help AA accomplish her goals.
Success Goal #1: Score in the 30’s by Pinehurst World’s. July 30th.
1. Change shaft in Driver (March
- April) - Daddy
2. Practice like it is a
tournament each time on a golf course; to better HER score.
3. Longer Drives - Learn to
drive using her hips and legs!
4. Lessons - Daddy to schedule
regular (weekly) golf lessons - Coach Jason and Coach Kathy.
5. Practice what her Coaches
show her in her lessons.
6. Compete in Florida State with
Caddy Maria (June)
7. Compete in remaining three
Orlando Local Tournaments with Caddy Maria (March-April);
8. Compete in Georgia State
Tournament (June)
9. Compete in Alabama State
Tournament (not scheduled)
10. Plan practice time in
Pinehurst (July).
This was back in May 2014, as a 7 year old - score of 38.
A plan helps us stick to the schedule and is posted on our refrigerator, will remind us each day of what is important to AA (we also have other individual and family goals, this one is AA's "short-term" golfing goal).