In March, Hubby took AA to the Sanford Zoo. He needed to kill some time so they spent a few hours looking at the animals (which I did not include any of those pictures). She had fun and always loves controlling the map and being "navigator". Worth a visit if you are in the area.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Catching Up - Sanford Zoo March 2012
Girl's Toes
AA and I take little walks around our new abode; enjoy a leisurely chat by the pool. Our quiet times to give SAHD a few moments of peace!
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Secret Decoder
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
NDP - Madison, Florida
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Second Swim of the Season!
Still unpacking and on the go all the time. Off to the Children's home for quarterly Board meetings. The "settling" in part of moving will have to wait!
We did take a break yesterday as the temperature hit 88 degrees!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
First Swim of the Season!
AA, Auntie Carolyn and I went to the pool yesterday (Auntie's suggestion since we were all so hot from packing and moving boxes). It was a very warm 82 degrees outside; the pool was very cool; not sure the actual temperature, but would guess around 70 degrees. AA loved her new wet suit so stayed in the water as long as we would let her! Carolyn was a good sport and stayed in too! This was the earliest we have been in the Club pool; it was rather nice end to a busy day! Dear Hubby was off to see former President Clinton speak so it was a girls only party!
Monday, March 19, 2012
Granddaughter #1's Birthday No.8!
Her Mom hosted it at the same bowling alley as last year which is a great place for kids to run about and stay active. Kilee bowled, ate lunch, birthday cake and opened presents.
Littlest Grand #3 eating birthday cake, she was under the weather all this past week so seemed a bit subdued - hopefully she is all better by now! |
The two Grands bowling: Kilee then Alivia.
We have been away from bloggy land as we sold our home and are still in the process of moving, cleaning the sold home and storing lots of "stuff". See you soon once we are settled at the condo!
Monday, March 12, 2012
First Time Walking Home From School
We now live within two blocks of the school AA attends so walking on nice days will become de rigeuer! We practiced last week before the actual move so that she would begin to be comfortable with the BIG move. We now live in the same club that we went to every weekend to swim in the pool so the place is very familiar to her. But with any major life change, we knew the more we talked about it and showed her the new home-place, hopefully the move would be non-eventful (that's another story how it really went!).
Leaving school:
The school (church) property is very large so we encounter these sign posts:
Lots of skipping and happiness using the sidewalk:
Entering the condo property:
She was actually putting a Harry Potter spell on me here (probably "stupefy"!)
We are home!
We have downsized and are really enjoying the new location. We are a bit exhausted but know this will pass in a few weeks once I have the boxes unpacked and some routine and order back to our lives!
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Park Review - Paul Armstrong - Clay County
We went to another local park, the Paul Armstrong Park, on CR220 on Fleming Island, just west of Whitey's Fish Camp.
It looked small from the road but is a nice size and just right for the 4 - 6 year olds. AA did not have a hard time climbing any of the many ways to reach the playground second level. There were a few unusual things to play on too, including a springy trampoline type platform (see below, yellow triangle item). AA had a good time and likes the novelty of going to different parks even though she says her favorite is still Moccasin Slough.Played Tic-Tac-Toe and she beat me!
We had one problem with this park, since it is leased to a Softball League, the restrooms are locked when actual games are not in play. Bad for the public who use the playground!The "monkey bars" are great, just her size!