Bows, Bows and more Bows!I purchased a few new bows from Sophia Jane Boutique; they are larger than life! So beautiful!
(and we love that she still keeps a photo of our AA on her web page - go to next to last photo on the caps page). Check her facebook page too.
Here's her smirky look - at Daddy taking her picture (we told AA that we were ONLY taking pictures of the bow, not her... ha ha!)These photos were taken shopping at our local market:
I love putting one of these really large bows on her pony tails. Isn't it fun using such wonderful, pretty, colorful accessories?
Sunday, July 31, 2011
New Bows
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Let Freedom Ring!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Pool Time - No More Pictures!
AA has become a great swimmer and loves going under water to retrieve dive rings or what ever object that sinks is available.Here's her "Do I have to look at the camera again?" look:
More exasperated look at having to look at the camera (of course, I am the one saying look at the camera, eyes on camera, turn your head and look at the camera... please!!!).Jumping into the pool:
Now AA is telling Daddy "No more pictures" or "Stop"!!
Happy Summer!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Black & White Wednesday - Wine
We tried this new red wine, a Malbec, winery Bodega Antigal from Argentina, at our favorite Pizza restaurant. This place always has very inexpensive wines by the glass so we don't expect a great wine, but it is always good enough to enjoy. They must buy odd lots of wine, as the selection changes frequently and usually there is only two or three choices of red wine.
We drink alot (an understatement!) of wine, 99% reds and so enjoy a wonderful robust, very dry Cabernet. However, to get the best value wines, we have been tasting the least expensive Grenache, Tempranillo, Malbecs, Chianti, Rioja etc. This new one is not as light, has more body and some hints of the "oakiness" one would find in a Cabernet.Visit the Long Road to China for lots of great Black and White photos.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Daily Dose of AA - Purple
Love taking pictures of my little daughter!
She received a new purple shirt (L.L. Bean of course, from Nana) so I paired it with a homemade skirt (wish I could remember who made it).
Sunday, July 24, 2011
First Boyfriend - School Friend
We went to another of AA's school friend's birthday party. R. is a sweet boy and seems to like being around AA. If you remember, his hand was the first "boy" hand she held.
I must say that in all the birthday parties we have been to, this family held it at their home (that's how I like them) and was very low-stress. The family members there were friendly, funny and included us in conversations; R.'s Mom & Dad were patient and sweet, the kids played well together, we only had to mingle and enjoy the party!
Here's AA and R. - can you believe this? I have visions of the first date..... I don't want to think about it yet!! How can two four year old's connect this well?Family:
The birthday cake:
Getting our piece of cake:
R's Mom:
Me sharing the kid's table with AA and R.:
Love these birthday parties - it's not too soon for me to plan AA's 5th!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Watermelons! Fresh Vegetables!
We were at the Riverside Arts Market again buying our weekly veggies and fruit. Love that most vendors give samples, AA loves to try any food. We highlighted the honey farmer last week; this week, is J. D. Beef. They sell beef, vegetables and other foods at the market. Two weeks in a row we have purchased poblano peppers from them. So glad they come to this market, as their farm is located about a three hours drive from here (directly west of Savannah, GA).Yellow watermelons!
Yummy samples!
Friday, July 22, 2011
Frozen Treats
Sweet Hubby has been freezing yogurt in small paper cups for AA. She loves the cool treat and we get to control the sweetness. Fruity, organic yogurt works well.
We were on our weekly shopping and errand running trip and found these very inexpensive frozen Popsicle containers. Even though we can make due with paper cups, for 49 cents, we splurged!
Since it is a double mold, I filled one side with a combination of citrus juices, mainly orange juice and AA had fun spooning in her favorite yogurt flavor on the second one. She enjoyed the last spoonful from Daddy!
Next to get a few pictures of AA enjoying her frozen treat!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Homemade Bread with Pumpkin Seeds
I just picked up a 4 quart dutch oven which should be great for baking bread. Up until this point, I have been using a 6 quart (Lodge) which I used to make this Pumpkin Seed bread. Turned out nice. The seeds didn't burn and I got the crunchy outer crust with the soft chewy center and holes I was after.
I took half over to DD and SIL's to share. Being the nice people they are - they said they loved it. The bottle of wine I took with me may have influenced their thinking :)The next time I throw a photo of some bread up, hopefully, it will have been made in my new (vintage) Copco :)
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
River Friends - Black and White Wednesday
We regularly see manatees and enjoy watching them feed nearby. There were at least seven in this group and were very sedate except when two decided to move on. You may not be able to tell from the picture but they can swim very fast.
Moving fast......A large one feeding:
Two feeding, barely keeping their backs near the water's surface:
It was a cloudy morning, there were two weather fronts hanging over our area for a few days. It did make it "seem" cooler, if you call 90 degrees cooler!
View many wonderful photographers black and white photos at The Long Road to China.