Thursday, October 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Younger Sister!

Just returned from a great visit seeing family in Maine and then a few days in Boston. We really had fun, paced ourselves with AA so could walk everywhere and enjoy the sights and sounds.

While in Maine, my younger sister ("forever young") had AA up to their usual silly antics together.
And today is "Auntie-M's" birthday. Happiest of all Melissa!! (and she doesn't want to admit she's "mid-40's" - what's so hard about that? At least she's still IN her 40's!)

1 comment:

Aimee said...

Hey, Alyson!
Glad to hear you were in NE! I don't miss winters there, but I really miss fall! We are heading up to the mountains of NC this weekend to enjoy some foliage!
I think we're going to be heading to FL in March; Saint Augustine.. can't remember where you are exactly..
what brand is AA's mixer.. so cute! Caiya would LOVE this for her upcoming birthday!!