Thursday, August 19, 2010

Children's Home Visit and PlayTime

Lots going on this past week. Dear Sweet Hubby baked an apple pie, he's made a few before so I know they are good! He had planned to take it to a friends house but alas, the sick friend wasn't up for visitors.
AA and I enjoyed munching on the sweet treat instead :)

Our church collected school supplies for the Children's Home. We so love their support and our church representative (Ken K). The congregation continues to be so generous when this time of year rolls around.
We also delivered new bed pillows, a year round mission effort at FIUMC.

Ford and AA drove the supplies to the Home on Friday and planned a visit with friends "Uncle Don" and JMei.
They met at a Mall which had an indoor jumping contraption (what do they call these things?). JMei was brave and went first, so AA had to follow. I think they had tons of fun over lunch and running the hallways! And they even enjoyed a train ride!

Same shoes!

Thanks to Don for taking the pictures!


Catherine said...

A precious visit with special friends! So glad you were able to get together and the girls spend some fun times together!

Number 6 and no more counting! said...

YUM! I love pie!


Briana's Mom said...

So fun! That is a bungee jump - Briana knows those all to well. LOL!! What a fun day. :D

frogglet said...

looks like they had fun and the home got a lot of great supplies!

Dita said...

Another gift your amazing hubby has! PIE!

The supplies are wonderful for the children to have all these new goodies to start the new year off with.

The girls are such sweeties together...and dare I say the HomeDaddys ain't lookin' so bad either!