Sunday, April 19, 2009

My Favorite AA Photo

Here's my favorite photo so far....... she was twirling and jumping and hopping, all on command. She loves to be in action, moving constantly!!!
Can't say enough how blessed we are with all three "kids"!


Kim said...


a Tonggu Momma said...

THAT is a great one - her personality just shines through!

Dita said...

Yep...a picture is worth a thousand words! What a love!

redmaryjanes said...

She is absolutely darling!

Brian and Melinda said...

Looks like she's having a great time. She sure is a cutie. Better start getting you club ready, She'll break a lot of hearts. Hope all are doing well. Haleigh says hello.

Pug Mama said...

How sweet! What a happy girl!!!!!

Michelle R Photography said...

What a beautiful and happy girl!!

frogglet said...

Sorry but I have to say this She is so Stinkin' Cute!!!
Have a great week, Cora

OziMum said...

Don't ya just love photos the capture their personality, as well as their appearance! Fantastic photo!

She has a real "inner joy"!

LaLa said...

So can almost hear the giggles!!

Catherine said...

Totally adorable!! I think I can hear her giggling from your amazing pic!

kitchu said...

adorable! god i can't wait to meet her- unbelievable that you live so close and we haven't made that happen yet!!

Lisa and Tate said...

It amazes me everytime I see Alyzabeth she seems to just glow. Liking the picture, too.

I cannot find your email. I really would love the list of paperwork needed and any other lists you have.

lisa_winger at yahoo dot com

Jimh. said...

Right up there with the CUTEST in the WORLD.