Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Woman For President

Now that the "political season" is over and our new President elect is busy selecting his staff and making announcements, I wanted to share some of Maine's history with you about women in politics.
Without bashing any political party, I would like to mention two women who have or are still making history. One is worthy, experienced and ready to take on challenging roles to lead this great country.

Margaret Chase Smith, from Maine, was the first woman to run for president on a major party ticket. Margaret Chase Smith, called the "lady of Maine," was a tough hawk who took a keen interest in military affairs and free speech.

Margaret Chase Smith Campaigns for President, 1964

In 1964, Maine Senator Margaret Chase Smith declared her candidacy for the Republican nomination for president, becoming the first woman to actively seek the presidential nomination of a major political party. Smith served in the Senate from 1949 to 1971, following a decade of service in the House of Representatives. The first woman to serve in both houses of Congress, Margaret Chase Smith emerged as one of the earliest critics of Wisconsin Senator Joe McCarthy and the tactics that became known as "McCarthyism." On June 1, 1950, just three months after McCarthy rose to national prominence, Smith denounced his tactics with her Declaration of Conscience.

This is a book for middle schooler's:

(I have read that this lady, Victoria Claflin Woodhull, Ohio, was the first woman to run for President, not for a major party, even before women could vote).

Another "Maine" woman currently serving in the U.S. Senate is Olympia Snowe (biography).
She is a centrist, moderate (voting record). She steps outside her party to vote for what she believes is best for the country, rather than for the "party". She listens, looks for common ground in order to make progress.
Here's the "Wikipedia" version:
A moderately liberal Republican, Snowe has become widely known for her ability to influence the outcome of close votes and Senatorial filibusters, in part making her one of the most influential modern U.S. Senators. In 2006, she was named one of "America's Top Ten Senators" by Time Magazine.[2] Congressional Quarterly noted that her presence at the negotiating table in the 107th Congress was "nearly a necessity." Her political popularity in her home state is the highest of any current U.S. Senator; as of November 22, 2006, she enjoyed a 79 percent approval rating in her home state of Maine.

History is so interesting; I thought of Mrs. Smith hoping you would enjoy some different politics for a change!

1 comment:

the mommy said...

We are political junkies so we LOVE this post.Very interesting thanks for letting us know about these great women...