Tuesday, November 04, 2008

New Pictures of Alyzabeth - Show and Tell

We arrived home safely and are having a "down" day to get acclimated with "home". After being on the road for 16 days, we have experienced so much fun and received so much love (and gifts), it just was too much fun! AA has blossomed! So, I had to do some "Show and Tell" today (read this over at Mel's) .... if you followed our adoption story in September, you would know how much this is brag-worthy.......

Before I begin showing off AA a little, we must say that we are excited and sad about the referral situation. How many times have we waited, reading all the blogs we possibly could and crying for those receiving referrals and those missing another month?
We feel the same way now. How much longer for the February 2006 LIDer's? We are so proud of you who must withstand many more months. We just feel bad. I don't know what else to say. China has plenty of babies and they have to wait, that is the saddest part. sigh. What can we do for you?

Here's today's feature photos. AA understands so much of what we say. Over the course of the road trip, pictures were being taken every day so now she knows what "cheese" means and how to pose. She is wearing her new Nike's (thanks to DD, Leaa's, suggestion) and AA is moving so fast, climbing stairs like a pro!
These pictures were taken today; each time asking her to move to a different spot and to pose. What do you think? Proud Mama is beaming!

We are going to add photos of AA from our trip on the appropriate date so you probably will miss them unless you like going through old posts. We need to post them as we will be slurping the old posts into a book for AA.
Hope you have a happy election night!! We will have a toast of champagne in celebration or to numb the pain!!!


OH MY #6 said...

You all so much deserve this happiness.

she is a treasure.


Vivian M said...

She is beautiful and seems so happy. It is wonderful to see her smile! Welcome back home.

frogglet said...

I love to see her smiling in all the picture such a big change. Love the picture glad you all had a great time visiting.
Take Care

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

You can just see her little personality popping off the page!

It looks as though she has really adjusted and come along way.....it seems like yesterday she was that shy little girl in China who was clinging onto Aly.

She is beautiful....cherish every moment!

Glad you all had a great trip!


Don and Be said...

We are happy to have you back in the Sunshine State. You must be exhausted.
Voted last week and I really feel shortchanged as I still had to listen to the blasted campaign ads even though I did the deed.
We should talk soon.
Blessings to your tribe.....

Lori Lavender Luz said...

Very much worth the wait. She's so beautiful, and looks so happy to be with you.

kitchu said...

SO worth the wait! And look at her beaming face!! Glad you guys are home, can't wait to get over and see you and get some family photos!!

redmaryjanes said...

She is absolutely darling...that's what I think :) Too cute for words!

Ruth and Brian said...

She is just so incredibly cute!!!

So glad you guys had a great trip and I imagine you are glad to be home too. Imagine you were gone on this trip the same number of days in China - go figure!

Anonymous said...

She is just so flippin' adorable! She smiles so much!!! It makes me so happy to see photos of her smiling. She has come a long way!

Anonymous said...

Alyzabeth just blossoms more each day!

FinsUp said...

She is just such a beauty; in her pensive pictures and her smiling pictures. I know those smiles represent alot of hard work and love on your parts, though, and you should be proud.

bbmomof2boys said...

What a beautiful little girl!! I'm so happy she is adjusting and she seems to be very happy!

Yep, you have every right to be proud - you guys are doing an awesome job!


DBW said...

This is so good to see--she really looks good and comfortable and happy. What a blessing. She is losing that tragic waifish look she had in some of the earlier blog posts.

Elyssium Earth said...

Your little daughter looks so happy. I was haunted by her referral eyes. Little sweety. Happy life together!!!

Anonymous said...

I think I had the post-partum blues & not you when you all left Maine!
love you!

Mike and Rhonda said...

She is so cute! So glad that you guys are home safe and sound.

Mimi said...

Welcome back. You are blessed indeed! What a little doll. Hope to get to see AA and you guys soon.

rubyiscoming said...

Welcome home - wonderful photos :)
Thanks for your lovely posts - our hearts are brimming today with our lovely and fantabulous referral of our Ruby!!!!!

But, we too feel the pain of those who still remain in the Feb 2006 LID pool - way too small of a referral pool this month......so very tough.

Maia said...

Wow. One can really see her coming out of her shell and blooming. Happy girl. I'm so proud of you guys!

Anonymous said...

What a groovy bike. She looks like she loves it.

Unknown said...

she is just precious

rubyiscoming said...

Hi guys,
I just now heard your lovely voice mail message at the house (via the internet - amazing technology today, eh?)....thank YOU SO MUCH for thinking of us with the referral. Seeing AA's smiling face on your blog means we'll be there soon.....we are so over-the-moon excited about Ruby. I'm in NYC right now (sweating profusely - forgot about humidity after 10 months in Denver) and I've been randomly showing photos of Ruby to anyone who will look :)

Cheers and thanks!
(and how about Obama, too! WAHHOOO!)

Gail said...

AA is such a beauty. OMG her smile would brighten any room!