Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Walking In Maine

One of the joys of traveling to DW's home state is experiencing the beauty of Maine. From the mountains to the fresh water lakes to the unbelievable ocean coastline - everywhere you go is a feast for the eyes. And the spirit...

We took a quick stroll up the road with Nana Ann and Auntie M to a small bubbling brook with AA that resulted in Alyzabeth walking more than we have ever seen her do before!! :)
And before you ask. YES, we've eaten Lobster and we will be eating Lobster again TONIGHT! And that includes AA :)

Life is good and tomorrow comes too quick as we leave Maine and continue on with our "tour" but we'll be back!!!


OH MY #6 said...



Kim said...

Sounds like you are having a wonderful time...
Love the beautiful leaves...
Have fun...

rubyiscoming said...

Fabu! Glad you guys are having such a marvy time. I covet lobster.

Erin said...

I wanted to come over to your blog and congratulate you on Alyzabeth An's arrival in your family! I can only imagine how amazing it must be to finally have her here in your arms. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Kelly And Allison said...

There is no place like Maine isn't it. We just came back last week and miss there already. I love Sebago area beautiful there. Have fun and enjoy the colorful world of Maine.


Anonymous said...

It IS beautiful there! I've never been to Maine...but it looks absolutely gorgeous in your video!

Unknown said...

Love these pics..These are beautiful!!!

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

Maine is beautiful.....we hope to retire up in the New England area....Maine or Cape Cod!

Lollipop Goldstein said...

What a gorgeous place to visit. And even sweeter to have AA with you :-)

redmaryjanes said...

What an amazing trip. You guys are able to spend such wonderful time bonding together.

M,R,J1,J2 said...

Alyson is a Maine-iac? Sorry, I couldn't resist-you probably heard this a million times :-) Richard's family is from NH, ME and MA and he went to college in Biddeford, ME. We used to live in MA for 22 years. And now, we're all in FL. How about that? I love it "up there" in the fall-leaf peepin'season. Enjoy! Have fun!
Best wishes,

Anonymous said...

Love you ALL!!
Mel/Aunti M

Dita said...

Just gorgeous!!!

Vivian M said...

Isn't Maine close to Canada? Hmm, maybe you would consider a detour and come visit? We got snow!

DBW said...

Your video made me miss New England in the fall, and the time I spent living in New Hampshire, back in another life.
I must say that your blog is wonderful. My wife is in China adopting our daughter at this very moment, and your blog was wonderful to follow as we got ready for our own adoption journey, helping us get ready and get ideas, and getting an idea of what to expect.
Alyzabeth seems to be coming along very well, and it is such a joy to see.

Billy and Maggie said...

Ahhh..I love Maine. I use to take my kids there every year when they were little. We especially use to love stopping over in Freeport on our last day for some awesome shopping.

Thanks for sharing.

China Dreams said...


Thanks for visiting my site at:
We have finally returned from China, so there are posts with pics of our first few days and the rest are soon to follow.

Enjoy your tour,