Friday, November 07, 2008

Traveling with Alyzabeth - Illinois Visit

Continuing our travel journal from October 21st and 22nd: Decatur, Illinois.
More pictures on 10/22/08 and 10/28/08 posts.

Illinois was one of our stops along our "driving" vacation to see DH's sister and family. DS, Mia, is a professional "signer" (I must ask what her profession is called) and was our educator on helping communications with AA. We enjoyed our visit and AA was showered with love, hugs and lots of presents and great clothes.
Madison was so good to play with AA; as you know, AA wasn't ready quite yet to embrace playing but everyone continued to be patient with her. AA was mostly interested in going up and down all their stairs (up and down, up and down, repeat!).

It was a cool and very windy day at the pumpkin patch. I was still in denial and wanted to wear capris and sandals..... brrrrr.....

We couldn't quite get everyone on the couch for a group photo....

We were so happy to be able to see Troy and Amy with baby Ty. Check their story out on their blog and our chance meeting with them in China.
The picture below is of the gang with exception of grandpa Lester and Ginger. They were kind to take our group pictures. I hope they will pass on some good ones to us. We had a great visit!

Back row: Troy holding son, Ty, BIL Michael.
Front Row: FM, AC holding AA, Amy, MA and DS Mia with arm on daughter Madison.


OH MY #6 said...

looks like lots of great family bonding.


LaLa said...

She is so stinking cute...I can't stand it. What lucky parents you are to get hugs from her daily!

Love that you wanted to wear capris...I still am having flip flop withdrawls : )

Anonymous said...

Those are Maine is all but a memory now.......any pic's to show the world of Maine and your visit?

Dori's Mommy (Diana) said... were in my neck of the woods! The weather has been glorious...but started to change the past few days!

AA is adorable!

Pug Mama said...

I am 'smitten' with your daughter.
just thought I'd out myself.

Gail said...

What a great vacation!

KHM said...

So good to see AA settle into her new life

we keep a close eye on her adventures of course - and it is such a joy to see her pick up her new life!