Monday, October 27, 2008

A Note to My Dear Husband (And Dad to JK, LD & AA)

We are on the road, continuing our family visits. We had a wonderful time with LOTS of great family who took time to be at my Mom's house yesterday. I think we were overwhelmed seeing so many people (AA did have a few shy moments but in general played and was engaged enough at various times to interact with our visitors). Thank you for all the love, your time and the toys for AA!

While we have been traveling I have observed my DH be the most wonderful Dad. I hope you will indulge with me a little note I wrote to him:

A note to my husband of 23 years; this is to the sweetest, most patient and loving Husband and Daddy. From your ever grateful, thankful, "luckiest woman in the world" Wife (remember, you "picked me"!!):

My Mom was at our home when we returned from China and sometimes it takes an "outsider" to remind you of how fortunate one is. She has been telling me what I already know. I have the sweetest most patient and giving husband!
(She also made some comment about our household being too chaotic and unorganized (what???) for her tastes, when I was trying to bribe her to stay longer!)

DH has always been a loving Dad to DD # 1 and DS. He has always had a heart for family in ways I had never experienced. He always showed concern and listened attentively to his kids or sisters or cousins or brothers. He always welcomes phone calls from DS and DD #1; how many DD's call their Dad every day for the past 10 years (maybe I am exaggerating here a little)? Did I mention he is a good listener?Picture #1: DH is on the right side/end.

He always understood others pain and would empathize. He was always very mature and could work out issues through his kindness and sense of humor.
Did I mention
that he has a great sense of humor?

He has always been witty and touched on sarcasm when gently making his point. He loves sports. He has always handled conversations about politics and religion. He has always done his "homework" on these two topics so he is prepared for serious discussions (I always will remember Joe Edmondson when I think of this trait in DH, along with Jim Read and DH's cousins Stephe, Stan, Tina, Butch & Rhett). DH has always been willing to do more than his share of household chores. He always has stepped in to help with social plans, dinner preparations, errand running, cleaning, vacuuming, pet care.
Did I mention that he never asks me to do anything?

DH has seen the good times and bad throughout our marriage (neither one of us is perfect, me alot less so). He has seen us struggle with infertility (lived through his own physical issues too). He has always been open to more children. He had held me during my crying times.
Did I mention that he had a heart for adoption before me?

He always wants to have some fun. We love traveling. Did I say he loves sports? He always shares his toys and appreciate them when we have them but doesn't whine or over spend when we can't. He always dreams big dreams for our family fun and vacations. He always worked hard, earning money, taking care of family.
Did I mention that he is retired and will be the the SAHD when I return to work?

He always gives so much to us, I do feel unworthy at times knowing that he shoulders more than he lets on. We work well as a team, but give credit where due, DH holds the family together and keeps us in his loving arms. He is the best thing that ever came into my life (along with his two children). And now we have #3!
I love you so much!!


Kristy said...

It sounds as if you are as blessed as I am in the husband category!!! What a great tribute to the love of your life.
Love, Kristy

rubyiscoming said...

Lovely letter to Ford - you two are ABSOLUTELY meant for one another! Glad the trip is going well, too - how is AA dealing with all the travel:? bet she is a champ!

Vivian M said...

Awwww, that was so sweet. I am sure our hubbys know this in their hearts all ready, but love to hear it from time to time!

Dita said...

Beautiful words that seem to round out the image I have of your husband from all the loving things I have watched him do and say here on your blog. It is clear he adores you and all 3 of his children. How sweet of you to honor him by sharing so many of his wonderful attributes with us!

You reminded me that I need to leave a gratitude note for my darling husband today!

Kim said...

That was a Great letter to Ford...
You are such a WONDERFUL and Loving family..
Love it..
Have a Great Day..

Jboo said...

Sweet post -- your Hub sounds like such a great guy and great Dad! You have a wonderful, lovely family, don't you!

Have a good week!


Nina said...

You have a wonderful husband, and he's an amazing dad to Alyzabeth An and the other kids, too!

Allie, Katie and Harper's Mom said...

Thanks for sharing!! What a wonderful tribute to a wonderful
Father and Husband. I know I should
do the same. How very blessed we
are to have such wonderful men
in our lifes.

Have a great day!


Truly Blessed said...

What a lovely letter. What a lucky gal you are (and what a lucky guy he is to get it!).

I had to laugh, though, when you thought you needed to identify him in the picture with the two other guys -- those of us who've read your blog for a while (and those who followed your journey to AA) KNOW what Ford looks like!

Joannah said...

You've got a keeper!

Don and Be said...

Ford is a fine guy ...... but I can't let Be see this post ...... just razzin' ......

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

What a sweet letter! I have been reading here for quite awhile and you can see the love Ford has for everyone around him.....especially his family!

I loved following your journey to China for obvious reasons....but I never saw anyone as excited and willing to share so much of the experience, as your was very inspiring! You are blessed to have such a wonderful husband...and your children are blessed to have a wonderful father!

Hope you are all doing well....somehow I missed this did not come up on my reader!!

RamblingMother said...

what a sweet tribute!

T n' W said...

I'm so glad you shared that. Watching you two in China, holding hands and smiling at each other. Whether you realize it or not, you guys were just gleaming! I'm so happy for both of you. And you are so right, no one is perfect, but I do believe you two are perfect for each other.

Catherine said...

What a beautiful tribute to your wonderful hubby!

OH MY #6 said...

how beautiful.


Ruth and Brian said...

I couldn't agree with you more - Ford is AWESOME!!! My boys enjoyed (as we did too) any encounter they had with him on our journey in China. And the fun he'd have along the way. The patience he showed during AA's difficult early adjustments was/is such an amazing character trait.

So here's to Ford - you Rock big guy!!!

Ruth, Brian, Boys and Abigail

OziMum said...

Absolutely gorgeous! (and your letter isn't bad either!!!)

It makes life so much more enjoyable when you have such a devoted partner.

:) Keep the "love"!

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Sorry it has been a while since stopping by... work has been keeping me super busy...
Blue Man Group... where they not fun to go to... I took Mike to the show for his birthday in Vegas a few years back... we had the best time. I thought I wouldn't like it... turns out I liked it more...

C's Mom said...

What an amazing post about your wonderful man. What a gift.