Tuesday, September 23, 2008

We're In Guangzhou

We made it to Guangzhou and in doing so Alyzabeth experienced her first plane ride!
Her reaction:
More cheerios and be fast about it...

Actually, she really did do fine. No tears. No tantrums. Just lots of food with the occasional cheerio to wash things down :) And mom's bottle of water.

We're too tired to do a true post so this will be short. We plan to post tomorrow with more videos and tall tales of our wild adventures from China :)
We are snug in our room at the White Swan Hotel and for some of you, you will know from reading our blog that the White Swan holds a special meaning for us. It was more than a little overwhelming when pulling up in our bus and walking through the doors...
And speaking of emotional. We opened the door to our room, turned on the lights and what did we have waiting for us? Try a dozen red roses from Be, Don and Joanna Mei.
That pretty much turned us into a puddle of water as we read the card and could not believe that they would have thought to do something so kind, so sweet, so absolute loving.
You guys are way too good to us.
Thank You so much...

So many firsts today but we'll save them for another post but I must share two BIG ones.
Alyzabeth went to sleep in her room tonight and not the hallway in mom's arms (after a rather robust fight we'll confess) for the very first time.

AND. Alyzabeth sat on daddy's lap without any prompting and pretended to cook in a small bowl and then share her culinary delight by offering imaginary tastes from her stirring spoon. I have a cooking companion! She also decided to wear my ball cap.

We'll talk more tomorrow - so tired right now but so SO HAPPYY!!!
ac & fm & aa
Tuesday @ 11:05 PM


Anonymous said...

Excellent, excellent. My wife and I have been matched with a child and hope to travel in the near future (ours is in Yulin City, Guangxi) and have been following your blog quite closely... so pleased to see that Alyzabeth is warming up to you two. Such a blessing and a relief.

RamblingMother said...

Glad to know she is coming round. It is so very hard on everyone but so worth the work!!

Mendy said...

I have been following your blog. Seen where Custom Blog designs did your blog (looks great) and she also did ours, so I have been following your journey. Your Alyzabeth is beautiful. I am so glad to see that she is starting to adjust and even sit with Baba. Love your blog.

Jen said...

That's amazing progress! I am thrilled for you guys!!!

Continuing to pray for all of you,

Kelly And Allison said...

Love that smile. What a beautiful girl. I am very happy for you guys.


Donna said...

Seeing Alyzabeth's smiling face and the joy on yours brings tears to my eyes! Soooo happy that she's turning a corner!!

the mommy said...

Oh this post warms my heart. It is so glad to see Alyzabeth Smiling and playing with her Baba. Rest up enjoy GZ and relax it is like a vaction now.


Anonymous said...

What a blessing. All those prayers and well wishes from family and friends are surely coming thru. What friends you have in D & B. I delight in the daily changes I see as Alyzabeth shows her love and trust in you both. As she waves to me I can hardly contain my joy. Proud granddmother of Alyzabeth An. Nana

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

What a great surprise from D&B... Glad it is all going well, take care

k1 said...

Glad to see she is adjusting. I've been wondering if perhaps it was your mustache that scared her at first. I don't think she's probably had too much exposure to men with 'staches.

FinsUp said...

Oh, enjoy your time at the White Swan and all that it means.

I didn' think Alyzabeth could be more beautiful until I saw that big, genuine smile. How amazing is that?!

Tom, Wendy, and Andrew said...

wonderful progress for daddy! i cry every time i read your post.
wendy, tom, and andrew

Truly Blessed said...

Yay for uneventful airplane rides!
Yay for sleeping!
Yay for cooking & sitting on Daddy's lap!
Yay for Cheerios!
Yay for surprises & beautiful roses!
Yay for the White Swan!

Sounds great, loving your journey!

Anonymous said...

You can see the sparkle in her eyes !!!!! Her personality is beginning to show in the pictures. What a blessed little girl to have found you. Thank you SOOOOOO much for sharing your journey with all of us in blogland. We all run to the computer each morning to see how your day has gone. God Bless you all.
CrazyAunt (Toronto.Ontario.Canada)

Anonymous said...

YAHOO, smiles is what I see!!!! Keep the cheerios coming during the long flight!!!
love ya.......xoxo

Catherine said...

Check out those beautiful smiles!!! Praising God for so many huge milestones that your baby girl reached today!! Love the picture of her an your lap Ford!

What a wonderful day! Praising and praying! Have a great time in Guangzhou!

Catherine said...

I was so excited about her precious smiles that I hadn't read the post yet. Beautiful flowers from Don, Be and Joanna Mei!! What a special gift!!

Briana's Mom said...

Alyzabeth looks so perfect sitting on her daddy's lap!!! :) What a beauty! The roses are amazing!

Billy and Maggie said...

What a BEAUTIFUL smile!! Shes gorgeous. So happy for you guys.

Daniella said...

Wow - what a difference! Huge strides.

t~ said...

So happy for you! Her smile is coming alive. The best has yet to come!

Mike and Rhonda said...

You can see the difference in Alysbeth An!!!! It is amazing. It looks like she is happy and has come to life! No more of that scared little girl! I know that you guys are so happy. Your endurance is beyond words!!!!!


Doreen said...

WOW!!!! What a difference! Alyzabeth sure seems to be coming along! Great to see that gorgeous smile!!

Doreen in Montreal single Mom to Faith-Jiangxi & Mia-Sichuan

LaLa said...

Oh that smile!!! I know you guys are enjoying her laughter now : )

The flowers are beautiful

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

Look at that smiling face....so beautiful!!!

It is good to hear she slept for you all.....I have been thinking about Alyson...as night time approaches...we have some sleeping issues here too...I'll fill you in later!!

The roses are gorgeous.....what a wonderful surprise!!


Don and Be said...

What an answer to prayer! Lizzy is starting to enjoy her Ba Ba. The picture says it all. Ford, don't be surprised if she gets a little shy with you again... happened with JM.

We are living your adventure with you and cannot wait for JMei and Lizzy to meet. Blessings to you and your precious daughter.

Love you,

Be (and Don too)

kitchu said...

I was away in MN for a few days and just got home, was SO happy to see her smiling face!! She looks so relaxed and happy and you guys must be on cloud 9 to see her opening up :) She is just adorable!! Can't wait to see you guys come home at last!

Wendy E-R said...

I have been following your blog for awhile and have never commented. But your blog really warms my heart with your tales of your beautiful daughter and the words and videos that capture your adventures. Thank you for sharing your amazing journey will all of us. It is quite inspiring.

OziMum said...

So Daddy really isn't a scary beast?!! YAY!!! So happy for you! Good job Alyzabeth! Isn't it so much better sleeping in bed?!!

I hope the "home flight" is just as uneventful as the last!

Mimi said...

How beautiful! She looks so engaged and happy. That was fast! Looking forward to having you guys home soon.

Just had a thought. Did you take an ipod or media player? Livi is entertained easily by my iphone. I put the ear phones near her ears and play whatever is loaded and she's mesmerized. Might help for the long flight. Godspeed. Love you three. Marsha

Anonymous said...

Ford and Aly,

It's good to see your getting closer with Alyzabeth,

take care

Jay and MaryBeth

Joannah said...

Oh, I'm so glad you had a good day!

Anonymous said...

Wow..what a difference a week makes!!! Her smile is amazing!!! Gald to see she finally went to sleep in the room. She is a cutie!!

Brandi said...

She's such a beautiful little girl!

I'm so glad to see that she's finally starting to adjust and feel more comfortable with the both of you. I know you must just be ecstatic that she's finally warming to you.

Thank you so much for allowing us to follow along on your journey. We're LID 11-14-06, so a referral is a loooonnnnggg time away, but following yours really helps.

Jimh. said...

She is too cute! You have been in our thoughts! She is great!

frogglet said...

Glad you arrived safely. I love to see Alyzabeth smile!

Nan and Dan said...

so happy to see things are coming along!! yah! love the smiley pics :) Can't wait to see you back home!

Kim said...

YEAH... I am loving Alyzabeth's smile....
She is coming alive...

C's Mom said...

How beautiful! Just look at your girl bloom. What a treat to witness.

Emily said...

been following your blog from donna clark's site-- she looks soooooooooooooooooo good in these pictures-- esp compared to a week ago!!! i'm so surprised her hair is so long! usually the girls are shaved-- esp in the summer! you're doing a great job:)


Stacy said...

I'm so happy for you! Those are TWO big accomplishments! We brought our 2 1/2 year old home 3 weeks ago and she STILL won't sit on her Daddy's lap! Also glad she slept! Yeah!!!!!!!!


Kristina said...

yay - cooking together is the way to joy. Our Hunan girl has been cooking "soup" for us for close to 3 years now...Alyzabeth is beautiful and she has a life full of love ahead of her with you - it's as clear as the joy on her face in that photo.

Tracy said...

Yippee - how awesome to hear of your great news. Love the picture of AA in daddy's lap.

Shane & Irma said...

I love that all the prayers from all of US are coming true. You will be with more love from her soon. I love to see her smile like that. There are more to come.

Hugs and Blessings

Anonymous said...

What a happy baby! Do I see a playdate in the future with her nieces? The FLOWERS were a class act!

comingaroundagain said...

Love, love the photos! Alyzabeth An is cute as a button!! Hey, thanks so much for contacting us when you arrived here! Today was wild for us - but so good as now Lauren has her visa (we were wondering for awhile with the flooding, etc.). We will check out before 5 a.m. to leave for the airport; so we will not see you again here most likely. We'll keep up with you via your blog though ;-) Perhaps we will meet up again sometime though! Enjoy the days you have here in Guangzhou!

kitchu said...

Oh man, you guys are SO sweet :) Thanks for the compliment. And YES, as soon as you are all settled in and she's ready to meet new people, you've got your resident "aunt" AND photographer. Turst me, I've been dreaming of getting my camera on her!! Cannot wait, just say the word!!

Karsynn's Mommy...Sammi said...

Look at those smiles!!! Yeah!!!!! Such a wonderful, welcomed sight to see. We are "over the moon" happy for you all. Enjoy GQ! It's so fun to shop there. I hope you get to visit Lucy's. The chicken fingers meal was a welcomed treat for us. They were quite good! Can't wait to see and hear more. Keep the posts coming!

rubyiscoming said...

Grin. I just love the smiles. Can't wait to hear more about the White Swan....what an experience after your long, long journey.


Unknown said...

She's beautiful. Just beautiful. You give me hope.

AmyO said...

She is adorable! Congrats! Have a great time in GZ :0)

Robin said...

absolutely beautiful. So glad to read that you are in Gz and things are getting better. Each day will bring better and better things!

also.. what special friends to send the roses.

Vivian M said...

What wonderful progress in such a short time! Enjoy your stay in Guangzhou!

Dawn said...

So glad to see that beautiful smile of Alyzabeth's!! Her whole face just lights up!!
