Friday, September 12, 2008

We're Here!!!

This is a very rough, non-edited video clip, all to say WE'RE HERE!!! :)

No problem with the flights - just a very longggggggggggggggg day. We tested SKYPE already and it's working great. We talked (FREE) with Aly's BIL George in Maine and Mom who is house-sitting, complete with video. Too cool. Love SKYPE.
Full day of sightseeing scheduled for tomorrow and Sunday. Should be fun getting to know all the other families in our Travel Group.

Forever Day is scheduled for Tuesday, September 16! Can you say EXCITED!


Truly Blessed said...

Oh Aly & Ford, what a wonderful video memory you've made for your beautiful daughter. Keep up the documentation because it will all seem like a dream in about three weeks, and you won't be able to remember details in about three months...

So excited for you guys and your travel mates (and for those precious babies!!).

Billy and Maggie said...

Oh My! What a wonderful way to communicate. The weather looks great out there. So looking forward to that Gotcha video! Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

would call, but I bet you are sleeping by now. Talk to you soon. love you-Leaa

Briana's Mom said...

That was wonderful! I feel like I am in China all over again!!

Anonymous said...

After reading your blog for so long, it was neat to hear your voices. So happy you made it safely. Not much longer of imagining Alyzabeth! Congrats!

Heather J. @ TLC Book Tours said...

This is unbelievable! I feel like I'm right there with you - how exciting!

the mommy said...

SO glad to see and hear that you all made it safe and sound. The video is great! It brought back memories of our trip[ for me. I think wehad tthe same seats on the United flight LOL..... Enjoy every moment of your time in China and give Alyzabeth a hug from her friends in DeLan

Kelly And Allison said...

Ohhhhhh.. you just arrived my city. How exciting. Thanks for sharing your experience. Looking forward to see you holding Alyzabeth.


OziMum said...

You guys are so clever! Posting video from China!!! Love it!

Gives me chills seeing you guys there! In the Beijing airport, I was thinking... I'VE BEEN THERE!!! (and obviously chapping at the bit to get back!!!)

Enjoy our timezone!!! (well... nearly our timezone!) Enjoy your "touring" of an amazing city. We are really really looking forward to Tues though!!!

Tom, Wendy, and Andrew said...

That was wonderful! Happy touring :o)

katie said...

Hooray! Glad you're there and safe and happy. Love the video. Can't wait to see more!!

park it said...

I just have to laugh - as my "I am in Chicago" video has me sitting enjoying a BIG DC with ICE!!!!
Carol in FL

Johnny said...


Anonymous said...

So glad you made it to China safely. What a wonderful idea videotaping everything. I used a camera to let my mom see Isabel "live" that first night together. (We had to wait until late night so that she was awake, given the 12 hour difference.)
Cannot wait until Tuesday!!
We are all thinking of you guys here in Jax.

Much love,
Laureen and Isabel (who can hardly wait to have a friend close to her age!)

a Tonggu Momma said...

Just wanted you to know I giggled at Ford's video release comment.

YES! You must have release forms for all of the people you film. Seeing as how there are billions of people living in China and there are dozens in your travel group, I hope you brought lots of copies.

Thanks so much for sharing your trip with us. It brought back memories. (This is where I break into song. Better duck and cover. Glass will soon shatter.)

Kayce said...

Great video! Have fun over the next few days.

Don and Be said...

Many familiar sights from only a few weeks ago. We're following daily.
Love y'all,
D, B, & JM

Robin said...

So glad the trip went well. Gotcha day will be here before you know it!

Vivian M said...

Yay, you made it there safe and sound! Love the video, what a great idea!
Have a wonderful day touring Beijing!

Anonymous said...

You guys are amazing!! So fresh looking after that flight!! You are going to be awesome parents to Alyzabeth! I am so very excited for you! It's incredible the emotions your video all brings back for us. Thanks for letting us share your joy!!! Have a fantastic time in Beijing!

Melissa S.

Nina said...

Can't wait to see you and your beautiful daughter together at last on the 16th!!

We're so excited/thrilled/happy for you!

Nan and Dan said...

so happy to be able to follow your great adventure! have fun sightseeing! can't wait to see the next family photo :)

Anonymous said...

I love you both VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good Luck!!
Mel in Maine (UGH!)

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Can't wait until you finally get your sweet daughter... the excitement is building - no doubt... wish you all the best... can't wait for the fun to begin... as we know it. said...

Just loved the video as it bought back so many memories for me of last year.
So excited for you guy's and will enjoy following your trip! as we know it. said...

Just loved the video as it bought back so many memories for me of last year.
So excited for you guy's and will enjoy following your trip!

Lisa and Tate said...

I am so excited for you guys!!! Can you imagine YOU guys are in China! Love the video sooo much.. the sharing of such an amazing journey.


OH MY #6 said...

I love this! So glad you are there safe and sound. U have been on my mind.


kitchu said...

SO COOL!!!! I'm just covered in goosebumps with excitement- loved seeing this clip and am totally stealing your idea :O) I want to video journal everything!

Ava's family said...

Thank you so much for taking us along with you with video!! I'm so excited for you guys.....Sooooo excited!!!!

t~ said...


Kim said...

I am sooo excited...
LOVE The video..
Have a Great Time..

ZhangshuMom said...

Oh my! I feel like I was just there yesterday! How exciting for you both to be meeting your daughter in just a few days! We can't wait to meet her once you get home to Jax!

Have a blessed, safe and amazing journey!

Donna and Catherine Anne XiuJin

Shelley said...

Love the video. I am looking forward to following your journey!


Lori said...

Thank you so much for sharing this with those who are still waiting. We are so happy for you guys! Have a GREAT time.

Lori & Andy Hilton
Lakeland, FL
LID: 2.16.06

Doreen said...

once again, you guys have out done yourselves! What a cool way to blog!!! Can't wait to see your little angel and thanks for taking us back to China with you!!!
Doreen in Montreal single Mom to Faith-Jiangxi & Mia-Sichuan

Georgia said...

Your family day is exactly 6 months after mine! Who would have guessed. I'm so excited for you. It looks like you are going to be excellent China bloggers!

C's Mom said...

Just look at you two! I LOVE the video idea of communicating.

Glad you had a safe journey and hope you rested well :0)

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

This is fantastic....what a wonderful way to start your journey!

Good luck!


Donna said...

LOVE your video, and I know that Alyzabeth will cherish being able to watch HER video one day. Blesssings as you begin this trip! I'll be watching!

Cindi said...

So exciting! We used SKYPE while in China, as well, and never had a problem with it.

Soak it all in and enjoy every second!

Catherine said...

Beyond excited for you!! The video clip where you showed the map of your plane heading to China gave me instant goose bumps! You're in the same country Alyzabeth An is and just 3 more sleeps she will be in your arms!

Love you. Praying for you.

Kath said...

I am SOOOO excited for you guys! It only gets better and better! Can't wait to check back on Tuesday. - Kathy