Wednesday, September 10, 2008

We Fly Out Tomorrow Morning...

Our thoughts are with those enduring the Wait...

We offer our sincerest prayers and best wishes that your strength remains constant, your resolve steadfast and the dream first born in your heart, to only grow stronger. While our time has arrived. Know and believe your time will as well. Never stop believing.

We fly out tomorrow morning. We'll be posting as often as time and connections allow :) Thanks to everyone who have helped us get to this point. So much happening. So much yet to happen. Beijing airport (photo), here we come!

Imagine Alyzabeth An... It's easy if you try.
And soon what we once could only Imagine will be Forever in our arms...
ac & fm


Truly Blessed said...

OMW, you leave TOMORROW!!!!

I am so incredibly happy for you and know you'll have the time of your lives on this trip to your beautiful daughter.

Can't wait to "stalk" your blog for news and pictures (and will also be stalking Ruth & Brian & their boys for word of sweet Abigail).

God bless you as you travel and bring Lizzy home safely...

Ava's family said...

I wish you happy and safe travels as you bring your beautiful girl home. Finally! Enjoy each and every second!

Kelly And Allison said...

Safe travel and enjoy your trip! Can't wait to read your travel log.


Anonymous said...

Such beautiful words. I am so excited for you and cannot wait to follow along on your journey.

Anonymous said...

Sandy and I are thrilled for the both of you. I hope you have smooth flying over the next couple of days. Can't wait to see pictures of Alyzabeth An in your arms.

Good Luck and enjoy that drink in Guangzhou.

- Dave Curewitz

OH MY #6 said...

Safe travels!

Love & Hugs to you all.


PS. I had chills reading this post!

Anonymous said...

Here's another wish for your safe travel and return home with your daughter. I can't wait to tag along with you through cyberspace!

Project Ni Hao said...

Best wishes, and enjoy your trip!

t~ said...

Safe travels as you go get the little girl that you once only imagined. Love and prayers during this very memorable time.

Briana's Mom said...

Wishing you luck and a very safe trip. Cannot wait to see you with your little girl! Best wishes!

Johnny said...

Best wishes on a good trip. I won't say it will be all sugar and spice because it's different for everyone at different times of the trip, while in China.

I hope you'll be able to update often.

Good luck!

Nina said...

We are right there with you, in spirit (and in bloggerland). It's so exciting that after all these years you only have a couple of days until Alyzabeth An.

And then you don't have to imagine her. She'll be real, in your arms, forever.

We're so happy for you!

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

Wishing you a safe journey! Cannot wait to follow along and see you united with the beautiful Alyzabeth....good luck!


frogglet said...

Safe travels on the way to that sweet little girl. Have the time of your lives!

Don and Be said...

If I could do it again, I would. I wish I were in your shoes. God bless the 3 of you.

Jill W said...

Praying for a safe and wonderul journey. I will be checking for updates--probably several times a day. It is so great to see your dreams come true. Enjoy every minute in that beautiful country with your even more beautiful daughter!

Norma said...

God speed and know we are all there with you.
Here comes your Momma and Daddy Alyzabeth An!!!

a Tonggu Momma said...

Hugs. Just - hugs.

Jenn said...

Thanks for the kind words. Checking your blog for the next couple of weeks is going to help the rest of us wait just a little bit longer. ;o) Happy and safe travels!

Billy and Maggie said...

Safe and speedy trip to you! Cant wait for the next post.

Daniella said...

Safe travels to you - now go get that beautiful little girl!!!
Now more imagining.

Kathy said...

Have a great and safe trip tomorrow. I cant wait to follow along. Not too much longer now until you get Alyzabeth. I can't wait to see her in your arms.

Dana said...

Ford and Aly,

Safe Travel to all of you and I know you are counting the minutes until Alyzabeth is in your arms! I will be following your blog as I anxiously await my own TA. This will truly be the trip of a lifetime. Savor every moment!


Kayce said...

Have a safe trip and enjoy every moment! Can't wait to hear all about your adventure.

Linda said...

Praying for a safe and quick flight to hurry you to your girl.. We are all waiting breathlessly to see that 1st picture of your arms around your daughter!!! Happy Journey... Linda

Lisa and Tate said...

Soooo excited. Thank you for your love and thoughts for those who are still in the wait game.

Prayers and loving thoughts go with you as you start the beginning of an adventure of a lifetime.


Margaret M said...

Thoughts and prayers are with you!!!

redmaryjanes said...

God Bless You and sweet Alyzabeth. I will be glued to your blog and praying every day.
I am sending my love with you guys. It has been a privilege to wait with you. I cannot tell you how excited I am that your daughter is coming home.

Special K said...

Thanks for thinking of those of us still waiting. And thanks for giving us all renewed hope that it will happen for us sometime, too.

Can't wait to watch the end of this journey unfold for you. Safe travels.

Puddin' said...

Have a safe and of course WONDERFUL trip! Go get her!!

C's Mom said...

Wishing you the best of safe and speedy travels to Alyzabeth An and home again :0)

Kim said...

Safe travels..
And you will all be in our thoughts and prayers...
I will be checking every minute of the day..
Can't wait to see Alyzabeth An in your arms..

Laurie said...

Have an amazing trip...can't wait to see Alyzabeth!

Dawn said...

Sending love, hugs and best wishes to you on your incredible journey to Miss Alyzabeth!!!

~Dawn, Brian, Courtney Mei and Guinness

Tracy said...

We are no longer adopting from China, but still log onto rumor queen quite a bit! Best of luck on your trip, you must be estatic to finally be traveling!

Mike and Rhonda said...

We are thinking of you guys! Wishing you a great trip and praying for your travel mercies. Cannot wait to see the three of you together.

Robin said...

Good Luck on your journey to China for your sweet girl. We'll all be waiting for daily updates on your journey.

God speed

Anonymous said...

As I write this comment, I suspect you are already in the air, winging your way to your precious little girl!!!

I pray you will have a smooth, safe journey there and home again...!

KHM said...

I might be more excited when we go, but not by much!

Fair winds, God Speed. Will be praying for you

Catherine said...

Goose bumps!! Your time has come!!!

Praying for you and your sweet Alyzabeth An too!

Suzie said...

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers for those of us still waiting! It means a lot.

I hope you have an amazingly wonderful gotcha day. I can't wait to see the first photos of you both with Alyzabeth!

Suzie in FL
LID 9/4/2006