Wednesday, September 03, 2008

September 11 - We're China Bound!!!

We received notice from our Agency today to make our flight arrangements! We have our Consulate Appointment!!

We leave September 11 for Beijing with a Consulate appointment scheduled for September 25.
Wow! Our Agency pulled out all the stops to get us there quickly and we can't thank them enough!

We will fly into Chongqing on September 15 which means we will celebrate Alyzabeth's 2nd birthday together!
We will be singing Happy Birthday to our daughter.....

So much to do, so little time to do it :)
Life is good!


Anonymous said...

Life is good! That is awesome! Less than two weeks away - gotta love that CCAI!

Kim said...

I am sooo happy..
Can't wait to sing Happy Birthday with you.

Dori's Mommy (Diana) said...

Awesome! CCAI is just the best!!! Safe travels!

Lisa and Tate said...

In one week you will be on a plane!! OH MY!!! Go get your little girl, Daddy!!!

Anonymous said...

Wooohooo!!! Congratulations Aly and Ford!! We are so very excited for you all!! I am so thankful you can be there with her for her 2nd birthday!! Let us know your flight schedule. We would love to be there to welcome you all home with a big FCC welcome if it is okay! We understand if you'd just prefer family. Thanks for making September 11th a great day to remember!

Melissa S.

~ Alison said...

Great news!! Birthday #2 will be such a special day for you all. . . I still remember Mali's like it was yesterday. Such a great age =)

Deb said...

Thanks for stopping by Sophie's blog.....Congratulations on your TA.....that is so exciting!! The countdown is on now!! Alyzabeth An is just precious and how wonderful to be with her for her 2nd birthday!!!! Mommy and Daddy are coming!! :)

Deb said...
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Margaret M said...

Wonderful...can;t wait to follwo your trip.

Donna said...

Hey, Sep 11 is right around the corner (I should know since it's my birthday!).

I'm so excited to follow the next part of your amazing journey! Thanks so much for sharing!

Our Blog: Double Happiness!

comingaroundagain said...

I cannot even believe you are already traveling!! SO COOL! We will fly into Guangzhou on 9.19 and we leave there early a.m. on 9.25 (our CA is on 9.24)! We should definitely meet up with you guys if your CA is on 9.25! How fun! - and we'll meet your baby girl!!!

frogglet said...

How exciting! Only a few more days until you can hold that precious little girl!

Anonymous said...

Wow...this is so exciting!!!!

We want to see LOTS of photos of your little one once you are back home again!!!

Diane said...

Hi Alyson and Ford! Our consulate appt. is on the 23rd and we leave for home on the 25th! Maybe we will run into each other in Guangzhou! We are staying at the White Swan! Happy Birthday, Alyzabeth An!
:)Diane and Gary

Johnny said...


Kayce said...

YEAH! Yes, life IS good!

Rhonda said...

Amazing! That's so soon!

a Tonggu Momma said...

Woohoo!!!! How exciting is that? You'll be there for her birthday! We celebrated the Tongginator's first birthday in China, just a few days after adoption day. Smiling with y'all.

Anonymous said...

That is just awesome! You are leaving next week! So much to do, so much packing, so much shopping! I remember the rush of having to get everything done before you leave. Have fun with it and make sure you stop for a moment and just enjoy the moment,

Truly Blessed said...

Wonderful news! How lovely that you are able to get one of those coveted CA appts. before trade fair. Can't wait to follow your journey.

Sept. 11 isn't that far off!

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

Congrats....I can't believe your day is almost here...this is terrific news....I am so excited for you two!


Ruth and Brian said...

Congratulations Ford and Aly,
Can you believe it's time already. And just think we'll be in Beijing 1 month exactly after receiving our referral.

Looking forward to meeting you guys in person in Beijing. We will arrive on the evening of the 11th (we got better priced tickets that way). Can't wait.


Don and Be said...

Jazzed beyond words for you and Lizzy. What a journey!

OziMum said...

HOLY COW!!!! That's only a week from today!!!

Fantastic! You'll be on that plane and cuddling your daughter before you know it!

Briana's Mom said...

BIG YAY! That is fantastic news!

I loved being in China for Briana's birthday! It is so special!

Brownie Troop 157 said...

Congrats on this wonderful news! You're almost there!

rubyiscoming said...

OH WOW! IT IS FINALLY HERE! You got TA pretty quickly, eh? How incredibly fabulous :)

Cheers - can't wait to follow along on the journey -

Nina said...

WOW! Wonderful!! That's great that you'll be able to get there so soon, and in time to celebrate Alyzabeth's 2nd birthday.

I'm so excited for you (and for her).

Big hugs,

OH MY #6 said...

I definitely now beyond the happy dance. I think I will call it, the, thrilled for you both dance.

I am counting the days with you! Oh my gosh, I week today!


Vivian M said...

How amazing that you will celebrate your daughter's birthday together as a forever family! I am so excited and can't wait to follow your journey (if you have time to post, that is!). The race is almost over and the rest of your lives is about to begin! Huge hugs!

Diana said...

OMG..that is NEXT week!!!!
How exciting:-)
I can not wait to see a picture of the 3 of you together as a FAMILY.

Lisa~~ said...

You are almost there, so exciting!! You'll love Chonqing, it's so amazing and of course having your gorgeous daughter Alyzabeth An in your arms will make it all that much better!! Also the guides in Chongquing are fabu and will make the whole process easy and excitng. Can't wait to follow along on your journey.

Mahmee said...

Only 1 week to go! How exciting for you and oh, how busy you must be right now. I remember it well. Congratulations again. Looking forward to seeing you all together. Take care.

Jill W said...

That is so exciting! Enjoy that birthday celebration!!!

kitchu said...


Mike and Rhonda said...

So so happy for you guys!!!!!Yes cheers to your agency. Ours tried to get a mid Sept and had to mid October for a CA.

Wow that is like next WEEK. What a very special birthday for that very special little girl.

Joannah said...

Next week!!! That's wonderful!


Traci said...

Congratulations (Your daughter is absolutely beautiful)! I'm glad that you're able to travel so quickly!

Kim said...

I am sooo glad you got them..
There is more coming.. sorry they didn't get here in time..
Send me an email..
Mine is
Make sure to look on the belly of the doll

Anonymous said...

Hooray. We are so excited for you!! Can't wait to read about your journey and see new pictures of your baby girl!!

C's Mom said...

How wonderful you will be with your daughter in time to celebrate her birthday :))

I am SO happy for your entire family.

Catherine said...

Wheeee!!! Beyond excited for you!! This time next week you'll be winging your way to CHINA!!!!!!!!!!! So very, very happy for you!!

KHM said...

This is great

Can't wait till you meet her.

And thanks for stopping by my blog. We are just behind you now, and the suspense is killing me

It is my fond hope that on of these days we make it to your area and have a chance to get together.

Kim (and SAHD Joe)

Gail said...

Wonderful news! So happy for you!
I will be following closely.

Robin said...

Totally awesome! It'll be here before you know it. Again, living this moment along with you as it nears our one year time we went to China as well.!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You’ve been in our thoughts for months now and the time is finally here. Can’t wait to see Alyzabeth (and her mommy and daddy) soon. Love from the Volunteer State. Jim and Clif

t~ said...

Wooohoo! Nothing like ringing the 2's in together!

Dawn said...

Congratulations!!!!! We are so happy for you!!!! You'll have your sweet Alyzabeth in your arms SOON!!

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

What excellent news... how brilliant that you will be there to sing Happy Birthday to her... cannot wait to follow the journey of a lifetime...take care...

Liene said...

Congrats that it's moving so quickly and you get to travel very soon. I can't wait to follow your journey to Alyzabeth.

Kelly And Allison said...

WOW.. Next week. Congratulations!! It is the best time of the year to be in Beijing and Chongqing. Hope you like the spicy food. Don't worry if you forget something while get there. Both Beijing and Chengqing will have almost everything you need. But do remember to bring lots pre-moistened sanitized wipes.

Let me know if you have any questions or want to write some Chinese card to take with you.


SARA said...

Awesome!!!!!! Have fun!!!!!!!!

BPOTW said...

Yay! I'm so happy for you!

Thanks for submitting your post too!