Friday, September 12, 2008

Hey Mia & Mike - Look Who We Met!

So we head downstairs for breakfast this morning and asked another couple from our Travel Group if we could share a table with them. You know how these things go, we each asked where the other lived. Turns out they were from Illinois, from the same city that my sister and her husband live in. What a coincidence, so they ask what my sister's name is and I'm thinking, no way will they know Mia & Mike but how nice to ask...

They don't just know them - they go to church together and just went out to dinner with them last month! How cool is that!?! :)

Hey Don and Be, you know what you were telling us about how nothing on these journeys happen by chance, well, here's another example!
Got to go! Post later...


Karsynn's Mommy...Sammi said...

So glad to hear that you made it! The Hatfield's are watching your journey from KY. We can't wait to see you with that baby girl!!! Enjoy every single moment of China. The time will fly by.


Mom 2 six said...

Glad to see the posts !
Whoo-hoo !

Kim said...

Take it all in..
Can't wait to see Alyzabeth in your arms...
Have a Great Day...

Unknown said...

I am glad you made it safely! I love the video. Great idea! Troy and Amy are a great couple. They have been sharing their story with our church. Hopefully, Alyzabeth will have a long time friend, their son, Ty.

Mia lou

kitchu said...

I've had goosebumps since the moment I saw Alyzabeth's stunning face. And here I have them again. This journey is amazing from page one... :)

a Tonggu Momma said...

Absolutely amazing!!!! What a special connection those children will have. God is so good.

redmaryjanes said...

Hi there!
It looks like you guys are having a great time.
I hope you are enjoying the sightseeing and taking a lot of pictures.
I can't wait to see Alyzabeth!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the videos, of courses we are waiting for the big one - both of you holding Alyzabeth! Blessings - Tim & Janice

Catherine said...

What an unbelieveably cool moment that God put in place!! Glad you're able to share this journey with friend's of your family!

God is so good!! Praying, praying and SOOOOO excited!!

rubyiscoming said...

Too cool is right!

We're off to all-day training in Colorado on adoptive parenting.

Wish we were with you in CHINA!!!!!! Just a teensy countdown until you meet your daughter now :)

Peace and sleep for you both as you prepare!

OH MY #6 said...

You guys are an inspiration! Enjoy! You seem to be handling things so well.


Nina said...

What a small world!

How exciting that you're finally in China! Not long, now....

Liz and Ava said...

So excited for you both...can't wait to see pics of you with your precious Alyzabeth An!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a small world it really is! I'm really enjoying taking this trip with you via the blog and can't wait to see video of Alyzabeth!

Anonymous said...

How blessed your trip has been already!!! I'm loving reliving our trip through your posts. Our prayers continue for your safe and healthy journey.

Debbie, Barry, and Sophie

Kayce said...

How cool is that! God is great!!

prechrswife said...

That is too cool! What an amazing Red Thread (also known around here as a "God Thing")!