Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Great Wall & Leaving Beijing

We're awake.

It's 2:30 in the morning for us but it might as well be noon. In a couple of hours we have to be packed, downstairs and on the bus for a ride to the airport. We leave Beijing this morning to fly to Alyzabeth's home city of Chongqing.
That pretty much explains why we're awake...

Yesterday was another adventure packed day highlighted by our trip to The Great Wall. We made a couple of scheduled pit stops along the way or should that be buying stops. Actually, the stops worked well for us as we had planned to purchased a few "future" birthday gifts for Alyzabeth.
At the Jade Factory we bought a bangle bracelet for Alyzabeth and followed that up with a stop at a Cloisonne Factory where we purchased another bangle bracelet along with a pair of earrings. At each stop your group is given a guided tour by a factory employee. The tours really are interesting and educational and you are literally standing right beside the folks doing the work. Pretty bizarre :)
Everything was so tempting! Watch your wallets!!

Then it was on to The Great Wall. Very imposing. Very impressive. And a bear to climb!!! We were soaking wet after climbing up what seemed to be miles! The view was spectacular but oh did it expose just how out of shape we are :) Coming down was no small feat what with our legs being so tired but we did it and now we can say we walked The Great Wall of China!!! Even if it did about kill us :)

Standard disclaimer on the video snippet. As before, I'm not editing the FLIP videos though they desperately need to be. To save time we're just pushing them out to family and friends so you can enjoy this amazing trip with us! We'll polish them up later :) Thanks for letting us slide on this. We've appreciated your comments letting us know that's cool...

That's it. Talk and post with you all later.
Tomorrow we get Alyzabeth...
Life is good.
ac & fm


Billy and Maggie said...

Another great video. Cant wait to see the one of you all with your baby girl. Much happiness to you both.

Don and Be said...

Yikes! Almost there! Can't wait!

Kim said...

Safe travels... LOVE the bangle bracelet... looks like you have been having fun..
I am sooo excited..
I can't wait to see Alyzabeth An in your arms...
Hugs to you both...

kitchu said...

I'm on the edge of my seat... cannot wait to see that precious girl united with you 2!!

rubyiscoming said...

TOO COOL! Love your videos, too - feels like we are with you :)


Daniella said...

I'm loving the unedited videos - I feel like we are there with ya :) well sort of. Can't wait for the next vdeo. I'm so glad I got a flip because I'm so doing this on our trip - but by then they'll probably have some other micro video recorder out :) Can't wait to see Alyzabeth with you both.

FinsUp said...

I hope today fulfills all your dreams.

I can't wait to see new pictures of your beauty!

OziMum said...

I doubt I'll sleep from the moment we see our sweet Mini's face... let alone the day before we meet her!!!

Was impressed to read you didn't puke on the Great Wall, as I did!!!

:) Have fun! I have chills of excitment for you!!

Briana's Mom said...

Have a good flight to Chongqing! It must be so hard to sleep when you know Alyzabeth will be in your arms soon!

ww said...

Found your blog from another blog - Alyzabeth is sooo precious - love those big eyes and cute hairstyle. Love your posts from China - makes it feel like we are with you. Glad you're having a great time and looking forward to seeing Alyzabeth in your arms. Blessings, Wendy

Mimi said...

Just got caught up on your trip. Looks fantastic! And tomorrow will be here soon!!!Love you guys.

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

One more day....I cannot believe it!

Have a safe trip and try to get some rest!


Nina said...

So interesting!! Thanks for letting us step into another world along with you... :)

Karsynn's Mommy...Sammi said...

We can't wait to see her! Good luck and enjoy Chongqing. It's a really cool city. Nanchuan is about 100 miles from CQ and by bus it took them 3 hrs. to get to CQ, so be prepared for them to be running late. I hope you get to meet the orphanage director. She's a great lady, even though she doesn't speak any English. You'll feel the love she has for your little one. Just a few more hours!!!!

Anonymous said...

You guys are amazing!!! I thought we took a lot of video, but you are blowing us away!! I love it! What awesome ideas! Can't wait to see the video from uniting with Alyzabeth!!!

Melissa S.

Lori Petrie said...

You are on a magical trip; it brings back so many wonderful memories for us. Are you staying at the Harbour Plaza by any chance in Chongqing? Climbing the Great Wall is a huge feat! Can't wait til we see the post where you have her in your arms. -Lori Petrie

redmaryjanes said...

I just can't believe it. Wow...tomorrow is the big day. I am sending you guys so much love.

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

I still can't believe you guys are there... loving the little videos etc... it is nearly time... whoo hoo

comingaroundagain said...

We must be on the same time by now (wild times for sure)! Four families with your agency arrived here in Changsha at the Dolton. They will be united with their babies tomorrow as well. Part of our group is in Chongqing right now too! So hopefully we meet you guys in Guangzhou! With babies! ;-)

comingaroundagain said...

We must be on the same time by now (wild times for sure)! Four families with your agency arrived here in Changsha at the Dolton. They will be united with their babies tomorrow as well. Part of our group is in Chongqing right now too! So hopefully we meet you guys in Guangzhou! With babies! ;-)

Truly Blessed said...

I left a comment earlier -- it didn't show up :^(

Loving your videos -- such a great summary of the things you're doing -- great memory joggers, too. Got a glimpse of pal Ruth & her boys at lunch -- that was fun!

I'm so glad you're enjoying China as much as we did. I can't wait to return when my girls are older and we can actually take the time necessary to do it all on our time schedules!

Can't believe you're so close to Alyzabeth. I'm so excited for you!

Vivian M said...

Have a safe trip and can't wait to see your daughter in your arms!!!