Saturday, September 13, 2008

Day 2 Of Our Trip Of A Lifetime To China

China is awesome!!!
The sights. The sounds. The smells. The PEOPLE!

We went to Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City yesterday. As everyone has described, the place is HUGE! Not big. HUGE :) We went to the silk factory and bought a silk blanket for Alyzabeth. We had lunch in the Hutong district where we enjoyed our first ever rickshaw ride. Think NASCAR while being pedaled on a bicycle! What a wild ride! Way fun.

We have eaten as a group so far in great restaurants for lunch and dinner.
Hey Don! We stole your and Be's idea and put our video camera on the round serving table and had each family slowly rotate the camera in front of them. We each then gave our names, where we were from and the name of our son or daughter we came to bring home!! Cool idea. So glad you shared that idea with us.
Aly has been passing around a journal that everyone has signed along with their email addresses and blogs. The journal is also intended to be one of the gifts we give to Alyzabeth as she gets older and celebrates birthdays.
We went to the Acrobatic Show. After a while you stop asking yourself how did they just do that! Unbelievable is all we can say. We finished the evening off with another fantastic Chinese dinner along with most of the families (had some great Peking Duck) and finally returned back to the hotel around 8:30 p.m. or so.

Today we're headed to The Great Wall, a Jade Factory and a drive around the Olympic buildings (they are closed to the public due to the Para-Olympics, unless you have a ticket). We still can't believe we are HERE! :) Just so overwhelmingly AWESOME!!

I hope the post isn't too rambling. It's really hard to sit still for very long and put everything down in a nice connecting way. We've included another video snippet that once again has not been edited. I plan to do all the foo-foo editing when I get home. Think of it as a rough collage of our day if you will. Right now, we just want to share this with you all. Hope that's cool with everyone.

We'll post later! WHAT AN ADVENTURE!
ac & fm

(P.S. The time is not right on the post... I had to back date it in order to post it.. Here in Beijing it is 09/14/08 at 5:20 a.m.)


Bev said...

Isn't China just great. I really want to go back soon. Prayers are with you as you travel. Can't wait to see Gotcha day!!
Bev and Angel

Kim said...

LOVE these posts... we are all loving every post you have done..
So glad things are going well..
Have fun...
Can't wait for the next video..

Debbie said...

so happy to be following your journey .. thank you for all you are sharing. i can't wait to see alyzabeth in your arms!!!! we are right behind you on the 19th to get our sweet lily girl in hunan.
God bless you guys during your time in China!!!!!

KHM said...

We are hanging on your every word.

Enjoy it all.


Daniella said...

Loving the video clips. Great idea. I'm thinking your using your Flip - I'm so glad I got one.
Can't wait for the 16th.

frogglet said...

Love the unedited video, keep it coming. So glad you guys are having a good time and staying busy until the BIG day!!

Jen said...

Thanks so much for sharing your journey with the world. I am so glad to get to see what it's like, and hopefully we'll be following in your footsteps soon. I can't wait until you meet your little girl!

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

What a day....thank you for sharing the video makes us feel like we are right there with you....also gives me a glimmer of hope, that one day I will be there too!!

Cannot wait for the next update!


Deb said...

Your posts are great Ford and Alyson! I feel like I have been in Beijing with you.....can't wait to get back! Thanks for sharing all of your sights and sounds....I can almost smell it! :) Hope you are having another great day of sight-seeing!

Nina said...

Wow, what a wonderful day! Thanks for your vivid description of your adventures in Beijing, and for sharing such good ideas, like the camcorder at the round table.

We look forward to hearing about whatever is next!!

Nina, David, Ariel... and (soon) Kavanna

Don and Be said...

We have just re-lived our rikshaw (sp?) ride through the Houtong. Visiting that ancient part of the city was my favorite Beijing memory. We saw the same acrobatic show - phenominal!!
The best is yet to come - Alyzabeth An joins your tribe! Yikes! We are nuts with joy for you guys! If I could stand on my head without doing damage to my neck - I would. You'll have to settle for my dance of joy - it ain't pretty but it's mine. Argh! I'm slap-happy!! Better go......

Kristy said...

I am sitting here crying like a baby because I am so excited for you both!!! I can't wait to see her in your arms. You are going to have to teach me to do the video thing on blogger one day after you are settled back at home. Also when you get home and you have a minute to breathe, visit my blog and read about my big news, I just have to tell Don and Be. Have a great time and I can't wait till tomorrow!!

Love and blessings, Kristy

Cara said...

I'm so happy for you guys AND Alyzabeth. She's coming into a really great family who already loves her so much.

OziMum said...

I'm getting flash backs just reading your adventures! We went to the acrobat show too - so glad we did - it was amazing!

Vivian M said...

It only gets better! Have fun!

Unknown said...

You guys are having the adventure of a lifetime. It's funny how even half a world away it looks so much like Palatka. NOT ! Did anyone try to pull the silk like the silk workers? We saw elderly men playing some board game on a bench during your rickshaw ride. Was it candyland? Have fun . The countdown to Alysabeth continues........Cathy and Werner

Billy and Maggie said...

I love your journalistic style. Its amazing how you guys are capturing the essence of China for those of us that will be following in your heels. Thank you for that!

Karsynn's Mommy...Sammi said...

I hope you are able to read these comments, as they will get you through the longest hours of your trip. Remember, when you get to Guangzhou, buy everything you want and more. We tried to buy something significant for each of Karsynn's birthdays until she's 18 that is from China. Ex. keychain for when she starts driving, babydolls, lipstick case, photo albums, etc. We also bought pearl earrings and necklace to give her on her wedding day. Just a few ideas! You look like you're having a blast! Enjoy it! Can't wait to see her face. It's so hard to believe that she was at Nanchuan when Karsynn and the babies from our travel group were there.

OH MY #6 said...

U R giving such an awesome window into the trip. Thank you so much for sharing. Somehow the whole thing doesn't seem so overwhelming anymore.

Stay safe.


t~ said...

I for one and totally enjoying your posts! Love the clips, even the unedited version.

Keep enjoying!

Truly Blessed said...

We LOVE China -- the good, the bad, the ugly, even the ...interesting smells! So glad you are appreciating it too.

Great videos -- DON'T change them one bit.

Not too long until we all meet Alyzabeth -- we can't wait!

Truly Blessed said...

Oh yeah, we visited the same silk factory and purchased a King size comforter/duvet & pillow shams. They JUST were delivered last week -- it took over two months to get here from Beijing. They're gorgeous and we are SO happy we made that purchase!