Saturday, June 07, 2008

A Friday with Alivia

DH spent the day with DD Leaa, SIL Jesse and grand-baby Livi (now two years old!) at the Condo. She's a beauty but won't stand still for more than a nanosecond.

He took the picture of my backside while I was talking to Livi at the pool (I just arrived coming straight from work).

The other two pictures were while they were leaving; Livi would not look at the camera - is this just a phase? Can you tell she's tired? Too much fun at the pool! She's precious and perfect to us. Now to get Alyzabeth here so she can play with Livi and Kilee!!!


Kim said...

Looks like a Great Day..
Love the pictures..
Have a Great Weekend..

OH MY #6 said...

OH so sweet. Is this where you live or your daughter?

FYI......YOU have fantastic hair.

Have a good Saturday!


Vivian M said...

I am so excited for you both, you will have your referral soon, I just know it!

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

Livi is so cute! Glad to know my child is not the only one who does not stop for more than 1 minute.....somedays I feel as though I have run a marathon just trying to keep up with her and keeping her out of harms way!

Looks like a terrific day to be poolside!

Have a nice weekend!

FreeStyleMama - Diana said...

How cute!

I wanted to let you know that I am donating custom blog signatures to the Just One Child at a Time online auction this weekend. If you donate $5 to Starfish Home then you can get a custom blog signature added to new posts. See the details at



alicia said...

Great pics! So cute!

here from NaComLeavMo

Kim said...

Great pics - she is so cute! NCLM