Sunday, June 08, 2008

3-Word Sunday "To Do Lists"

Three words to sum up last week? How hard can it be to select three little words?
We seem to be busy, busy and busier as each week goes forward. We finally typed up a "to do" list for our pre-China travel tasks. What a list. We also have a copy of one from here.

If you have one, please share so we can compare!! Lots to do, yet the past LONG WAIT has lulled us into thinking it may not happen for months.

Yet, IT IS getting closer. IT may be July! How excited and how unprepared can we feel? (I always did work better under pressure). If not July, then August at the latest.


Congratulations to all waiting families through January 22nd (we haven't seen an OFFICIAL confirmation on this date, we expect it on Monday). Happy Referral Days are here!

*Show & Tell is combined with our weekly Three-Word Sunday...


OH MY #6 said...

This "TO DO LIST" must, absolutely, MUST, be the best list you have ever made!


Anonymous said...

Is "Enjoy the journey" on the list? 'Cos it should be...such an exciting time and now so close. Wishing you an easy time of getting it all done in time.

Lee said...

What Robyn said. Hope you can make some time to stop running in the chaos to enjoy some of the process too!

(Might be hard ... those lists seem daunting.)

Eileen said...

I'm so excited for you! Getting so close! I know the long wait has been so hard, but now comes the FUN part! I thought the days leading up to referral, and then to travel (and of course REFERRAL DAY) were just so cool, can't match it! There is nothing like it. I miss those days. :-( Enjoy the journey as others have said! I know you are!

(Thanks for the kind words on my blog regarding the loss of my dad.)

Kim said...

Okay...getting those 3 words are the BEST...
Next to "Here's Our Girl"... But you are getting to that next..
I am soooo excited, You are on the road to China soon..
Have a Great week.

chicklet said...

I luv lists, I live for them. Super cool though that this is so close for you and finally happening.

Joanna said...

How exciting. No matter how hard you try to prepare, you may never be ready until the moment comes. Take a deep breath....Exciting times are ahead of you!

Briana's Mom said...

Definitely awesome three words! So exciting!

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

Something tells me that this is a "To Do List" that you won't complain about!

How very exciting for you two!

Enjoy your weekend!


DC said...

Oh my goodness! Just looking at your lenghty to-do list is making my head hurt!! We have so far to go in this adoption process. I hope I can be as organized as you are. :)

kitchu said...

Man your FCC rocks! (Mine's kinda smallish,you know?)- can you send me YOUR lists?? :O)

JuliaS said...

Happy completing your list!

Pug Mama said...

WOW - that's a LONG list.
how exciting!!!!!

Lisa and Tate said...

Yikes... you need to share your list!!! I have been having sleepless nights worrying about what I need to do...

Sooo exciting you are next!


Tracy said...

Woo-hoo! I am pretty sure you are looking at an early July referral. Can you believe it??

Catherine said...

Praying July is your month!!

Looking forward to learning from your 'to do' lists. :o)

A Mom- In-W8ing said...

Good luck with the lists!

You are getting so close to referral now. Exciting times are on the way soon!!

Smiles! :o)

Anonymous said...

You GO Alyson and Ford!!! LOVE the few check marks on the packing list - you'll make it carry on only yet! Packing is soooo much fun when you know that when you unpack that bag on the other side of the world, SHE is waiting for you!!!

Melissa S.

Laurie said...

Best kind of "to-do" list there is...hoping with you that you are "next!" :-)

OziMum said...

Too true! Holy Cow! It COULD be NEXT MONTH!!! So... you ready?!! Who am I kidding?! Since when is ANYONE ever ready?!!! (or is it just me?!)

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

I was only thinking of a to do list the other day... need to get started on that...

a Tonggu Momma said...

You are getting so, so close! And you have a great blog.

You sound much better prepared then we were our first time around. I now have a master list I compiled from everyone else because I was so caught-off-guard and disorganized!

Then again, I now have A LOT more time to get everything done before our second referral.

redmaryjanes said...

I am so happy for you guys!!

I am trying to put together a list of recommended adoption books for parents and children at the new blog No Place Like Home and was wondering what you guys would recommend.

Anonymous said...

It has to be July for you. Thinking good thoughts!

T n' W said...

Oh yes! The List. Can you believe we could be next! Dave's Referral Estimator just gave me chills!!


Anonymous said...

Popping by from Mel's Show and Tell.

By far the best "To Do' list I have every seen!