Tuesday, September 11, 2007

This is What Retirement Looks Like!! Fun!

I caught DH in the act of enjoying his retirement "time"! He has been up every morning with me, making the coffee, picking up the newspaper and visiting with me. How could I ask for any more? He's the love of my life (that's one reason why we are having Alyzabeth An)!!
Now, if he would catch some fish for dinner.....


Kim said...

How pretty...
Looks like a lot of fun...
You will have little Alyzabeth An soon.. and then all of you will be out relaxing on the boat - catching fish for dinner..
Have a Great Evening

redmaryjanes said...

He is amazing. I have read some of his comments and posts. You are very lucky and he loves you so much.

Don and Be said...

Take it easy while you can, Ford buddy. Your next job is over there waiting in the wings - and she'll be keepin' ya busy. But for now, the pics look like my idea of retirement.

Mom 2 six said...

Looks wonderful !!