Thursday, September 27, 2007

LID TIME - Just Keep On Smilin'

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Hugs and Thanks to all who continue to follow our journey to Alyzabeth An.


Anonymous said...

We are getting there! Keep up the faith!

Gail said...

Very cute!! :)
Your getting closer and closer!
Hopefully a referral in Jan or Feb.?? Hopefully.
Hang in there.

Don and Be said...

Love U 2 - great to see you....was it last week? And Ford, buddy .... you were quite the affirming type with your call last week .... we went nuts for awhile there with the referrals and your counsel was a light in wild week. We'll call soon to work out the St. A meeting. Love to Aly and we're glad you're 20 months closer to Joanna Mei's friend, Alyzabethan.

redmaryjanes said...

I'm here for the long haul my friend. I will see your little one come...don't know when, but I'll see her.

Kim said...

That was tooo cute... Happy 20th...
I will be waiting until I see her little face... and then as she grows...
You are getting closer..
Have a Great Day..

OziMum said...

20! Woo Hoo!!!

rubyiscoming said...

Yowzers - 20....GOT to be getting MUCH closer :)
