Tuesday, January 17, 2006

LID to Referral: 10 Months

We received an email from our agency (CCAI) yesterday. The projected timeline from LID to Referral given in our Dossier to China Packet was 10 months.
As with all of you, we can only hope that the projected timeline decreases as the year goes forward.

Re: CCAI Dossier to China Packet

Congratulations! Your dossier has arrived in China!

As we have received confirmation that your dossier has arrived at CCAI’s Beijing Office and was delivered to the China Center of Adoption Affairs, it’s time to download the Dossier to China Packet. This packet will include information on current timelines, what comes next for your adoption, and how to stay connected and informed during the next phase of your adoption journey.

CCAI Dossier & China Departments

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