Monday: We are back into the routine of school mornings where Ford gets breakfast and lunch ready for Alyzabeth, Ford takes Ginger out for her morning potty break. Alyzabeth did this but now with the knee surgery and on crutches, she is unable to.
Sunday, December 08, 2024
December 2nd - 8th Ginger's Leg
On Facebook, Tiffany's birthday - posted this photo:
Once I got back home from taking her to school, all went well at HS, Ford rested for a bit and then showered and got ready to go to his Parkinson exercises. We took our recyclable aluminum cans to the Catholic churches Boy Scout trailer. I walked a little bit, but actually stayed for about 20 minutes doing the exercises with Ford.
We went home briefly and then by 11:30 on the road to Dr. Dolven for primary care physician appointment. At the appointment we discussed his legs his skin his blood pressure his prescriptions. I asked about a podiatrist and he said a vascular doctor would be better and made the referral so that Ford can check into that. They also took his blood sample to check his iron level as it was low as reported on his annual blood panel. Once I took Ford home, I immediately went to the high school to get in the parent pick up line. I was there in good time, picked up Alyzabeth and thanked Sophia for bringing out her backpack. Once home the routine is for Alyzabeth to have a snack take her ibuprofen, put ice on her leg and rest for a bit before starting in on our homework. She has physical therapy on Mondays and Wednesdays so at 3:35. We drove to Southeast Orthopedic for her appointment. Her appointment went well with the therapist getting Richard over to look at her incision as we were thinking it was starting to look bad, but he said yes there was some aggravation and looks like some allergic reaction but overall seem to be doing well. So I guess we will not worry until we see the surgeon on Friday. Once home I finished making the carrot cooked turkey cheese and onion with feta cheese quiche as I made it in a pie pan. It’s a new recipe and hope we like it.
Alyzabeth and I got back in the car and arrived back at the high school at 6 PM for the AICE Meeting on the spring trip to Paris. We sat next to Colleen Witt and Noah and Kathyrn and her mom Michelle. All was good there and we learned a couple new tips and we went home and ate the new quiche. We also had a bag salad that had French Catalina dressing with blue cheese crumbles. Ford always watches the show The Voice on Monday nights and Alyzabeth worked on her homework studying for a government test tomorrow. She received her official UCF offer letter in the mail:
Tuesday: We started the day with getting Alyzabeth breakfast and lunch, which Ford has been doing every morning along with taking Ginger out for her first potty break in the morning. I get up and get dressed and don’t help too much right now as Alyzabeth is managing pretty much on her own. I help with socks and sneakers and moving her leg when she’s transitioning, the couch or a bed or in the car. I drive her to school drop her off and she gets into Caley Spearman‘s car and I drive home. Ford and I fussed around the house. I stripped Alyzabeth’s bed, cleaned out our bathroom. Got two loads of laundry going all in preparation for Donna coming. I love it when Donna comes as it forces me to pick up clutter, figure out what we’re behind in as far as emptying wastebaskets, laundry, doing dishes. Ford is always good about doing the morning dishes. We head out to Ford’s physical therapy appointment every Tuesday that Donna is here and afterwards we run a few errands like going to the VyStar bank to check on the fraud alert, next went to meet with Leisa Ashline to buy her handmade soaps, then to Walmart to pick up a prescription and another small rug that Ginger needs to maneuver on our wood floors. Our wood floors are slippery for her and with her bad left leg. It is better to have carpet or rugs for her to walk on.
Then I picked up Alyzabeth’s contact lens at the eye doctor, bought gas as it was $2.94 a gallon and then went to Time Out deli. For lunch we changed our usual to Ford ate the Italian hot sub, and I had the Steak in a sack sandwich. Both were pretty good.
Once home Donna was just finishing up and I boiled 10 eggs getting ready for the River House. Happy hour. I picked up Alyzabeth at school as she stayed late for a government make up test. I made the deviled eggs, changed my clothes got about 30 minutes of quiet time and then we were off to the River House.
We had leftovers for dinner the carrot, turkey cheese, onion pie.
Last of my pies!
Wednesday: Text to Mom: "Today - took AA to school, took Ginger to Vet for x-rays, met friends for breakfast at 9 am. Charlie (age 86 October), Donna age 76.
At Publix by 11:15, home, made lasagna (cooked hamburger, onion, mushrooms, garlic and assembled), washed up. Leaving house in ten minutes to pick up AA. Back home, will ice her leg, snack. Drove her to PT at 3:40 (4 pm appointment). Picked up Ginger from Vet. Go get AA at 5 pm. Home. Cook lasagna - eat before 7 pm. AA has online tutoring at 7 pm. Ford usually does dishes. Watch Jeopardy. Fix AA’s school lunch. Check Ginger, last time she was sedated she had diarrhea and vomited so gave her a bath. Make sure everyone takes their pills. Then bedtime!"
Ordered Dylan's birthday gift:
AND Alyzabeth received her acceptance to Stetson!
Thursday: Usual morning, getting AA's leg wrapped up, Ginger doing okay from her sedation yesterday, she ate a small breakfast including a new probiotic pill (Ginger still is taking a pain and anti-inflammatory pill each morning); drove to school, AA gets in Caley (K-Lee) Spearman's car. Back home, got our Christmas tree lights, worked on this blog, then dressed to take Ford to Parkinson exercises. I stayed in the car addressing Christmas cards, did not walk. We went home, had Cracker Barrel leftovers for lunch. I picked up AA after she stayed for Spanish tutoring.
Dinner was leftover lasagna with sautéed asparagus, onions and mushrooms.
AA had Spanish tutoring with Laureen. By 8:30 p.m., AA was ready for bed (she continues to study after we closed her bedroom door with Ginger on her bed). We are tired by bedtime, Ford could not get comfortable, his neck and shoulder seem to bother him more right now.
Friday: Usual morning routine, Ford gets AA's breakfast and lunch ready, walks Ginger; I made his coffee (he's drinking it again), helped AA, wrapped her knee and drove her to school - she's never in the mood for me to take photos!
We rested, I talked to Terri, very slow morning. Did a few errands (Publix) including seeing our computer guy, Robert, for Mom's Christmas gift. Lunch was at Sonny's BBQ (Ford's choice).
AA went to her SOS appointment with Medical PA Andrew. Her knee is still swollen, he had a slight concern about infection so took pictures to show Dr. Jones.
Ford cooked hamburgers for us, along with a bag cabbage chopped salad kit. AA completed her online Government open notes test.
Ford began taking a 3rd Cab/Levo pill at noon and had a hallucination that night (man entering bedroom, going to attack - he didn't get out of bed, just upset; quickly calmed down).
Saturday: Slow morning, cut up the Rice Krispie treats for Dylan, did the dishes, laundry, helped AA (she did much homework on the couch), sent birthday card for Autumn; Ford tends to Ginger with her potty breaks. Cold day, 38 degrees, up into the 50's and sunny.
Drove to St. Augustine to visit with Dylan, small celebration for her birthday. See separate post.
Picked up Mellow Mushroom pizzas (2 - AA liked the Maui Wowie! We thought the mushroom Shitake was okay). AA stayed up late working on her business model.
Sunday: I went to church, was communion server again. Took our recyclables to Carolyn's home (and a lemon and a few Rice Krispie treats). I bought three sandwiches from Newk's for CR, Kayla and myself - we chatted a bit during our lunch. CR's ponderosa lemon tree actually has five lemons, so her tree has finally made it/established (she bought two, one for us, four years ago but did not plant her for two years, kept in pot).
AA postponed her math tutoring session with Laurie (Laurie's Mom was in hospital). Laureen Burke is having a hip replaced, so will be unavailable for a month while recovering. While I was gone, FM and AA ate leftover Mellow Mushroom pizza. We didn't have any dinner, just more pizza and popcorn and lots of NFL football games - which surprising, Jaguars won against Titans (Nikki and Chris were at the game). I made some hot tea (no one would join me), AA did her leg exercises, excited that she can now lift her leg (during exercises, still painful in other positions), then in her bedroom for some quiet - she's not a fan of all the football on TV!
We did finish watching the Beatles 1964. Sad that today is the 44th anniversary of John Lennon's murder.
Saturday, December 07, 2024
Dylan's 15th Birthday Celebration
Happy Birthday to Dylan: The family gathered at a new spot in St. Augustine, a bit north of old town (north of fort) - Spinster Abbott's - Uptown Saint Augustine’s newest Coffee Shop, tap room, and bodega. We had a good time exploring the market area, thrift shop, the bar/music area and a nice outside area with tables and food truck. Leaa and Dylan (Jesse at a gig), Cara, Travis, Pearl and Miles; Carl and Marsha; Nicole with Mila and Avery! We brought two balloons and Rice Krispie treats (put in Marsha's car since Leaa was dropped off).
St. Augustine
Sunday, December 01, 2024
Thanksgiving Week 11/25/24 - 12/01/24
Monday: First day of school break. We went to Ford's Parkinson exercises. AA had her first PT session with Richard. It went well.
Tuesday: Ford seemed a bit off so cancelled his PT appointment. He didn’t sleep well, I have been sleeping at night as he usually leaves the bedroom and I then have uninterrupted sleep. AA is doing well on her crutches. She is in pain but after seeing what Richard did with her leg yesterday at PT, she will be better as the weeks progress.
I baked a pecan pie, homemade dough and filling. I goofed and left out the corn syrup even though I checked off each ingredient, the syrup was still in the measuring cup as I put the pie in the oven, so poured out filling and mixed it in - should be fine, but what a goof ball! Ford and I made a crockpot of chili (gave some to Mia, with pumpkin bread).
I drove to pick up Ginger’s prescriptions refills, put gas in Subaru, bought a few items at Publix and then Wendy’s burgers for lunch.
Mia came over after her work, took Madison’s countdown box.
We went to RH, took cheese and crackers, Kathy did not come as both her sons were up for the Thanksgiving weekend.
Back home, ate our chili for dinner with store bought corn bread muffins. Continued helping AA with her cold pack and getting in and out of cutch, bed (lifting her leg).
Wednesday: Wednesday morning. I didn’t sleep after 11:00 pm, so went to couch and dozed. Continued helping AA with taking showers, icing her knee, getting meals, doing laundry and cooking.
I baked two apple pies in the morning and do ahead mashed potatoes.
We washed dishes, washed the turkey roaster and cleaned the crock pot after having leftover chili for dinner.
AA and I went to Tinseltown cinema to watch Wicked (part 1). Leaa, Kilee, Liv and Dylan all enjoyed the dancing and singing.
Thursday: Thanksgiving at Nicole's. Mila's birthday. Separate post.
Friday: I roasted a turkey, made mashed potatoes, green beans, gravy, stuffing and some cranberry sauce on the side. Used Grammie Merrill's china.
Saturday: From my Facebook post: Breakfast of Champions; Eat dessert first! So leftover apple pie for weekend breakfast. Yummy!
Broke out Grammie Merrill’s China for dinner last night and this morning’s apple pie: Larry and Charlotte’s silver dessert forks, Grandmother E-E’s cobalt blue goblets for our wine; Used Maine One Pie solid-pack pumpkin from my Mom Ann Caton Cobb for our pumpkin pie. Used Nana Joy, Kathy and my rolling pins making four pies.
We slept in which was nice as the weather has turned cold!
I made another Irish soda bread but made a mistake of whisking the egg in with the buttermilk, should only be for the egg wash on the dough right before baking. And I over baked it by 5 minutes.
We ate apple pie for breakfast - I posted on Facebook about it.
Ford and I went through all the Christmas gifts we have purchased so far, wrote down on a list, got organized. We found the box of Larry Bradley’s dad’s Smith and Wesson belt buckles, boxed up 11 for Justin.
I made a new recipe for our RH. Appetizer, crab dip - I didn’t care for it, Hugh and Maureen seemed to like it.
We came home and heated up plates of turkey dinner leftovers. The box stuffing I used (Fresh Market brand) was not to our liking (still tasted like over seasoned croutons).
AA did her exercises and did a lot of homework - Spanish presentation and rewriting her Government notes.
Sunday: Cold morning, another 38 degrees. Made coffee for both Ford and I. Washed AA’s bedspread.
Went to church. First Sunday in Advent. Steve was there. Called Mom, good chat, she’s using ear pods so heard better with phone. Shopped at Publix. Ate leftover turkey and sides (again) and pie.
AA took shower. Ford napped. I made cooked carrots and onions for new casserole, tomorrow’s dinner. We called them visited Penny. Took lemons for her and Catherine.
Bought Christmas tree, glad they had plenty of lights under the tent - dark outside!
Back home, got tree in stand. I had developed a headache, so rested in bed for a while.
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