Saturday the 14th, was to be a busy day. Leaa was hosting her afternoon pumpkin painting party, AA had an afternoon PGA Junior Match and we bought tickets as a BIG gift for AA to go to the Harry Potter/Jacksonville Symphony evening concert. So AA played in her golf match and we made it to the concert; unfortunately, missed Leaa's event. Jane W. was to go with AA, but she ended up sick on Saturday morning, so Noah came with us.
It is also Melissa's birthday, so a few extra photos.
AA and Ginger wishing Auntie-M a happy birthday:
Melissa in Maine with granddaughter Chloe:
Melissa waded in the lake to remove the last boat anchor, looks beautiful!
The Eagle Harbor PGA Elite team match against Palencia was a big WIN! AA and Ford left right after she played her 6 holes, winning both flags (one per three holes). Thanks to Tyler's Mom Kerri for sending me the two pictures.
The EH Team photo (without the only girl):
AA's birthday gift was tickets to the Harry Potter 1st movie in Concert with the Jacksonville Symphony:
So glad that Noah W. was available at the last minute (and his parents brought him to us and picked him up at 11:35 PM!!). We took food to tailgate as AA and Ford had not eaten since they just came from the EH golf course/PGA match. It began to rain enough that we went to our seats earlier than planned.
We wore our rain coats in as were were not sure how much weather came in under the cover/roof of the amphitheater. Seats were pretty good; tall people sitting in front were no problem for us due to the slope, but the kids had to watch between the people in front of them. For a concert, the front row in a balcony section would be good too. Since we were watching a movie on the screen above the stage, closer was better.
The stage movie screen was BRIGHT, couldn't get a good photo of the graphics. The symphony was amazing, the music was just as dramatic as in the movie; however, it was a bit long for the youngsters and their attention did drag a little after intermission then picked up nearing the end. Long evening for us!
Here's the actual screen we saw, you can barely see the stage; had to darken photo to show what we saw while waiting for the concert to begin. There was a short movie shown at 7:30 p.m. about the music composer, told how the movie sound track was created. {The music of the Harry Potter film series was recorded and released in conjunction with the post-production and releases of each of the eight corresponding films. The scores were composed by John Williams, Patrick Doyle, Nicholas Hooper, and Alexandre Desplat.}
Since staying up to midnight is a rarity, we watched the end of a Harry Potter movie on TV at home - it was a Harry Potter Movie weekend on TV! Off to bed at 12:30 a.m.! {then, AA had a bad nose bleed; these occur occasionally and she is very good about dealing with what life has handed her}. AA relaxing at home after midnight:
Sunday (15th) morning, we were all a little droopy. AA sang at the 9:25 service for Celebration service (456 JAM choir - her 2nd time); photo from my iPhone:
We ate lunch at the church and actually sat with a lady who had been to the harry Potter concert the night before; she was a big fan of the symphony, not so much of the harry Potter movie series.
Then PGA Golf Team practice while Ford and I chatted with Joe M. We got AA to her Sunday church 456 Club and JAM practice on time. That wrapped up our weekend!