Thursday, July 31, 2014

Pinehurst - The Beginning of the US Kids Worlds Golf Competition

07/28/14 - We arrived in Pinehurst! We spent last night checking out the surroundings and had dinner at the Brixx, great little pizza place.

 And our hotel has a small putting green!
 07/29/14 - Tuesday - What a wonderful experience for a first day. AA registered and received a "goody" bag compliments of US Kids, Pinehurst and Honda (sponsor).
Many statues of significant Pinehurst golfers; many of Donald Ross:
The famous Payne Stewart Statue:

I really like this creed:
AA, outstanding in her field!
Practice round at Midland Golf Course:
Lots of signs throughout the Pinehurst Village welcoming the US Kids:
We ate a very late lunch/early dinner at Dugan's Pub - delicious fish and chips, beef stew and we liked the salmon appetizer.
More shops, more welcome signs:
Florida girls:
The crowd around the USA flag:
"Famous" Texas Star in the "Short Game" movie:
Our Florida local gang:
The parade:
Another famous golfer from the movie the Short Game; giving his best friend a "high five":
The parade; AA really enjoyed; we did comment though, how many fire trucks does this Town own!!
 AA's best friend, usually at each of the golf courses with her brother, Phillip:
A great day; looking forward to four more here!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Family Visit - Dinner and Dylan

We have been out of town so much this summer, we have hardly seen our grown kids and the grands. We made a homemade dinner and headed over to St. Augustine this past Sunday. We took AA for a round of golf and Dylan for some practice. She is very enthusiastic about golfing so will see where this takes her! Putting practice with me, her Nana:

Driving range with her Poppy:
AA helped tee up the balls:
Maybe First Tee is next!

Sunday, July 27, 2014

HOLE IN ONE!! July 23, 2014 Wednesday!

AA scored her first HOLE IN ONE! Hole 6, par 3 from a Ladies (red) Tee! It's official, plaque and name engraved at golf club to follow!! — at Eagle Harbor Golf Course, Fleming Island/Orange Park, FL.
I was at work, so did not have the pleasure of seeing all the excitement unfold. Daddy Caddie bought a round of drinks at Eagle Harbor, then took her to our favorite watering hole, the River House, where he bought a round for the guys that always talk golf with him and bring golf balls for AA. I did get to join in with her, at the RH, she enjoyed her celebratory sprite with cherries! Daddy Caddie texted her two golfing coaches, the maker of her new drivers (woods, Flynn VT Max) plus the U.S. Kids Local Tour Director and the NFJG Director.
She used her new VTMax driver; brand new just last Friday (07/18/14).

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