The tournament this week was back at a familiar course, Fernandina Beach, playing the West course (9 holes). Alyzabeth scored very well on the last two holes. Most of the first seven holes were a struggle with the longer clubs (2 inches longer, taking them back to the original 45 inch size); we just got them back a few days ago so no practice with them. If she plays like she did the last two holes, they will be fine! She became used to them during the tournament.
Also, thank you to the Dietz', they handed down a set of orange U.S. Kids clubs to AA!! (51 inches, Ultras, not Tour series). She needs to grow a little before she uses them, so they are ready when she is!
We arrived at the course to find this:
At the ninth hole, I asked for a group photo, and happy hugs ensued, and around the pin flag! Since we were the last group out on the course, we could spend a little time on photos. Have to love these huggin' girls! The "seven and under" group is all fun after the tournament!
A hug inside with their medals, AA with her second place medal:
Goofy girls!
AA was blessed with two more birthday gifts from two great golfing families, the Clark's and Dunham's. They are so sweet to think of AA, She now has a new golf dice game (GoLo Golf Game in a Cup) and a Cra-Z-Loom Bracelet maker, just what all the other girls have! McKelvey and Bryn both have made these bracelets, and Mack gave one to AA. Thank you to our fun and generous families!
The girls all have fun after the tournament and they now know the boys well enough to play tag outside, lots of space to fun around the club house!