Nana sent a blue and white dress last year that is still too big but the way it is made, AA can wear it now and probably next summer too. So cute with white sandals and a white bow!Talking "at" her Daddy:
Love summertime clothes!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Pretty in Blue
Monday, June 28, 2010
Underwater Fun - Our Fish!
Our little fish!A while back, my Mom (Nana Ann) purchased dive rings for AA to help with AA experiencing what it was like to go underwater. Though she swims completely underwater all the time, she wasn't too keen on just sticking her head underwater. That has now changed. She will now stand on the pool stairs and go underwater to get a ring. Yeah Alyzabeth!
I'm still thinking Daddy may need to start working on teaching baby girl how to swim on TOP of the water as well. Just a thought :)Success retrieving the ring!
From what DH told me a few days ago, AA had progressed to becoming a Manatee. At least, that is what Alyzabeth calls herself when describing how she bobs up high enough when swimming for her nose to break water. Just like the manatees she sees around the dock :) Oh well, at least I know she's breathing.
So I got to see it first hand.... she bobs up out of the water but doesn't breathe, looks around and continues swimming. Maybe it is time for professional lessons!
AA's "manatee" impersonation:She is also trying to touch the "bottom" of the pool now. She enjoys lifting herself up by the edge of the pool and then "sinking" underwater. Sounds fun, just as long as she remembers to come UP!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
New Adirondack Chairs
We purchased these beautiful, handmade, Adirondack chairs from the Florida United Methodist Children's Home wood working training center.The chairs are so STURDY and HEAVY! Very well made, no 1x1's used in these!
We requested the names of the youth who made our chairs to be carved or burned onto one of the chairs. Knowing their names and the skills they learned in the wood shop, makes these chairs extra special.
We have made Adirondack chairs in the past, sort of a husband-wife bonding experience :) We lost them a few times in storms, but DH would traipse along the river bank and eventually retrieve them until last year. We would "bungee cord" them together at the end of our dock but a particularly hard storm tore them apart and carried them to parts unknown. You can count on these chairs NOT being left at the end of the dock.
If you go to this old post and scroll down you will see what ours looked like compared to these new ones. Huge difference!! I'm afraid the New Yankee Workshop design we built from couldn't hold a candle to our new sturdy ones.
Our new chairs will last our lifetime, reminding us to always remember and to always include our children at FUMCH in our prayers.
To empower children and families to experience God's love and care as revealed in the
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
B&W Wednesday June 23rd
We were here..... Loved the sunflowers in bloom, planted by the CEO's wife to beautify the gardens around the campus.See many beautiful black and white photos here.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Feathered Visitors
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Father's Day (and craft project)!!!
AA and I had some fun with a messy and sticky project. I found a little project that I thought AA would be able to do most of the work. Since DH likes to fish, we purchased a new fishing pole for him (which he picked out). So for a little surprise on Father's Day we decorated a tin pail with a fishing motif so that AA's Daddy can "tote" his fishing lures to and from the boat.
We used outdoor decoupage rather than the "instant" drying one in the directions. AA did a good job tearing the pieces of tissue that became the water.
This morning, after the King Daddy opened his gift:
Have a wonderful Father's Day (and please share your simple kids crafts with me)!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
The New Boat Paddle
On our recent trip to Maine, we visited cousins in No. Yarmouth. Cuz is an avid gardener and woodworker. I was admiring his canoe paddles and he gave me one (he is supposed to SELL them)! Homemade by Cuz Redmond. We do not have a canoe but a paddle is needed in our motor boat in case we are ever stranded or need a push off the shore. Very cool, I think this is our newest family heirloom! Thanks!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Enough Said!!! HOT!
It was 106 degrees, but by the time we arrived at our destination and I could take the photo, a mild 100 degrees! Way too hot in Sunny NE Florida!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
More Pool Fun - Counting
AA is doing so well swimming longer lengths in the pool. She pushes off from the side with her legs and we swim underwater to her for something different to do. Lots of water fun!
She also tells us to count to three every time she begins to swim.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Washing Hair - Pool Fun
It was too funny when "Uncle" Zack spent this past Sunday afternoon at the pool and AA decided she wanted to wash his hair. You see, she sees him "fix" our hair each month (we don't use the word "cutting" our hair). Zack is our stylist and has been for over 18 years.
Pretending to use shampoo....Using a water ball to squeeze on some extra water....
Washing his hair.....
Telling him to "Close your eyes".......
More washing and rinsing.....
What a hoot (if you follow us on FB, you can see the video on DH's wall)!!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Something New - Meme's
I was doing a quick check of a few blogs I don't usually frequent and started seeing lots of these "buttons" for meme - or theme days. So I thought I would read a few to see about joining in. Boy, look what I found... and the list goes on and on!!
At the Household 6 Diva, is the Mamarazzi Monday Meme.... you are the Mommy version of "Paparazzi"...
Over at Organizing Junkie, there is Monday Menu planning and many resources to help plan your food menu and budget:
If you want to share your photography pop over at I Heart Faces which has a weekly contest on Mondays and Tuesdays. They also have a "Fix It" Friday.
Here's Sweet Shot Tuesday for more photo fun with Darcy!
And if you like Black and White photography, I occaisionally participate in the Black and White Wednesday's from The Long Road to China blog:
There is a "Wordless Wednesday" that I didn't track down...
Adding: Thanksgiving Thursday here.
From this site, there are many daily themes including the Trendy Treehouse Follow Me Fridays........the only purpose is to follow the blogs you love:
At this Giveaway Product Review Blog is another Friday Theme - Social Blog Hopping to get to know new blogs for Trendy Moms (!) (also a Monday Giveaway link up too):
Sunday Snapshot is another opportunity to show your photography from Ni Hao Y'All:
Do you have a favorite meme to share?