For me, cooking serves as a sedative. Well, not always but then let's not dabble in absolutes.
As such, I enjoy perusing websites and personal food blogs allowing opportunity to wander upon dining haunts in cities and countries doubtful to visit except through a keyboard. And them lo and behold, I stumble onto a local blog, viCARIous, openly hidden in plain view.
viCARIous is a joy to explore. Too often dining reviews, from hole-in-the-walls to 5 Star jackets required fail to deliver an identifiable portrayal of the food and facility. Comparable to a buyers feedback on eBay. Product as described. Fast delivery. Will buy from again. Nothing to keep you from hitting the Buy Now button but pretty generic all the same.
viCARIous leaves you with an informed sense of what to expect. (Keeping in mind, the blog is not limited to restaurant reviews.)
Locals will find the post on the Deli's of Riverside/Avondale an informative, fun read. And who knows, it just may induce you to place an order for a camel rider :) A four part series featuring the foods of St Augustine is a must read. Not to be left out, there are food adventures chronicled for the world traveler as well.
Enjoy exploring, the blog is sure to provide the impetus for a food fun, First Coast & beyond road trip...
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Playing - Christmas Gifts
AA loves her new Easy-Bake oven, a gift from Uncle George and Aunt "T". We made the sugar cookies and "frosted" them with melted chocolate chips (melted in the oven's warming tray area). Pretty cool!We have frozen homemade cookie dough in the freezer, so DH can slice a few whenever AA wants to bake (pressure off him to whip up small batches of cakes and cookies!!).
We enjoyed her cookies - thank goodness she shared!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Black and White Wednesday - Cold and Slow Week!
We are going to appointments, cleaning house, I am back to work after Christmas holiday and it is COLD here! Wonderful Daddy and daughter will stay inside and hopefully pack up some Christmas decorations!
All bundled up with a hand-me-down coat, knit mittens and Auntie Jean's home-knit scarf!Check out the other great Black and White photos here!
Happy Week!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Christmas Recap - Post #2
Christmas morning brought a huge smile to AA's face as she spied her new "big" bike. She loves it and told Daddy that she had been waiting for over a year for it! She received many gifts from family and friends; we are enjoying going through them all and taking turns playing with them.Yes, she rides her bike indoors around the pool table and couches.
AA enjoyed the family gathering with niece Kilee..... Nana Ann bought them "Sing-a-ma-jigs". Who knew they were so cute singing together? Her other niece, Alivia has three of them!
Have a wonderful week - Happy New Year!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Recapping Christmas!
We loved the tradition of new pajamas for Christmas and took great pictures of AA in past Christmas'. This year, we received so many hand-me-down pajamas that I just didn't feel the need to buy new ones. I think AA received 20 sets of PJ's from her best school buddy, Bess (the Reddick's). What a blessing it has been to receive bag after bag of almost new clothes for AA!
Here's the Christmas Eve photo in her PJ's:Can't wait to see all your new Christmas posts (and tell me if you posted on FB too). Merry (day after) Christmas!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Merry Christmas 2010
Another wonderful year with our family; our two "growns", three "grands" and our littlest one are all so precious to us. Along with our loving family, they all make the world turn!
We have lots of pictures of AA in her new Minnie Mouse Candy Cane dress. Here's where you can buy these dresses at "Katiebug Designs", her Etsy Shop, and her Facebook page:We wish you all a very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
FSU Graduation for Miss Cara
We really enjoyed the college graduation party that Leaa (& hubby Jesse) hosted for her sister-in-law, Cara.
Cara is lovely, brilliant, funny, unique, beautiful, caring, talented........ Just a wonderful person to call family!
Cara with her proud parents: Marsha & CarlFamily.... Cara's brother is on the lower far left, our son-in-law Jesse:
Our son Justin with his littlest niece, Dylan:
More pictures here on Picasa.
Congratulations Cara!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Black and White Wednesday - Oranges
First Fruit: Our oranges are just ripening so DH picked one to check the taste. We will have fresh oranges for Christmas Day!
View all the other great Black and White Photos here at The Long Road to China.Everyone is getting excited about Christmas Day! How are you and your family celebrating?
Monday, December 20, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
The Gingerbread House from Nana
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
Grand #3 Birthday
I am late posting about our youngest grand-baby's first birthday party. Our oldest daughter hosted a wonderful event and I loved the way she decorated the table with pictures from Dylan's birth until the present.
Here's the proud Grand-Poppy (my DH) with son:The one-year old herself:
The other two grands with AA; eating mostly frosting:
Baby Dylan before the chocolate frosting was all over her:
Everyone gathered around watching a special message to Alivia from Santa at the PNP (Portable North Pole):
Happy 1st Dylan!